I have been sending a few resumes around, some went to jobs posted on Taiwanted.com.
I only applied to the positions under the title of “teaching” and not the area “teaching jobs from agents”. I would like to not deal with agents if possible as there have been a few really unprofessional contacts made so far. See here for the webpage:
The issue is, I applied to a few jobs on Taiwanted.com, all the replies came from the same “agant”. She was posting jobs in the “teaching” area and not the “teaching jobs from agents” area as is her correct area. She wants $10,000NT to get me a position, an agent fee. I tried to contact Taiwanted.com but the “contact” link on the bottom of each web page is not working as normal, it is toast. I was wanting to report the misrepresented agent, and to have all her “jobs” put in their rightful area, that being “teaching jobs from agents”. I am less than excited about using Taiwanted again and now I wonder about Forumosa.com and their association.
Now the issue is, has anyone had a like experience with jobs on Taiwanted.com? Is this website nothing more than a false site from the agents in Taiwan? My level of trust is falling in matters dealing with Taiwan.
Is it “normal” to pay a fee to an agent such as the one I am running into? She posts many jobs and they are all under a different name and email address. Unprofessional in the least.
Thanks for the message Shaku.8. And my apologies for your less than pleasant experience.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll get this fixed.
Can you drop me a PM about this and I will take appropriate action.
Absolutely not, and I apologise for the experience you have had. It is my intention to have all the ads moderated, so they are all checked individually before they go up. The trouble, as always, is time. But, as you have pointed out this serious problem, I will move it to the top of my to do list.
Although this is really not the thread to discuss this question, but no. Again, please let me know the ads in question and her list of names and email addresses and I will delete the ads.
I see today there are are at least another two of the most recent six job posting have been placed by agents. I will be avoiding the use of Taiwanted.com until the website is cleaned up of these pox agents. Let us know if and when the cull has been completed.
I notice that of the top four ads today, two are from that Dewey agent. One went up just today. That’s just being cheeky and is going to piss more and more people off if it’s allowed to continue.
I posted some info about myself on their page (found via Taiwanted) and had 2 agents email me and call within 10 minutes. They just dont give up, these guys…
Credit to them, they got me interviews within a day from contacting them, and their email responses to any questions I had were basically instantaneous…
Point is, many people simply do not wish to gain their employment through agents, which is entirely their right. This being the case, there’s a separate section for “jobs from agents” in the Taiwanted pages.
These agents know that perfectly well – I noticed it on my very first visit to the page, and these guys are probably visiting constantly – yet they persist in fraudulently posting their ads in the regular teaching job section, presumably in the hope that they can sucker someone.
It can be seen as just another example of why many people tend not to trust agents.
[quote=“sandman”]Point is, many people simply do not wish to gain their employment through agents, which is entirely their right. This being the case, there’s a separate section for “jobs from agents” in the Taiwanted pages. [/quote]Aren’t the agent ads supposed to be paid for ? Aren’t they conning Forumosa out of money ? The ads are still there, as far as I can tell. I don’t think it’s necessary to pre-moderate ads, but someone has to go in there and remove the offending ones.
I am basically not emailing to any jobs which do not use a business email address. This of course includes yahoo, gmail, msn, hotmail, etc. If the position does not use a business(school) email address they are posting as an agent and not a school owner/manager. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck…
I did arrange for an interview at a school in the mid-southern area with a Dewey agent earlier this week, she said the job was a 5 minute taxi from the main station. I asked at the tourist info desk and they said it was at least 30 minutes by taxi. So, I am off of Dewey and agents in general. Never went to the interview as I figure if they are lying about the taxi distance they are also lying about other areas of the job. I figure they must have a condom stapled to the contract when one signs up and you will need it sometime during the term. Certain to be a bad sign.
No, at this time, ALL Taiwanted ads are free. In the future, we will charge for ads that seek teachers. But for now - posting ads on Taiwanted is completely free of charge
Teaching ads from agents are welcome on Taiwanted - otherwise we wouldn’t have a special category for them. We’re still putting things in place, and it would be great if agents who like the website would give us feedback on how we could make posting jobs easier - for them and everyone.
If you see an ad in the wrong category - teaching ad or not - do us all a favor and email us the link at admin @ forumosa.com and we’ll do something about it
It would be nice if the “contact” link on each Taiwanted web page actually worked. I am using a Safari browser and the link only reloads the web page again.
The agents know what they are doing, they place their job postings in the “wrong” area as it is another way to get eyeballs. Once the idiots are paying for the job postings they will pay attention and list in the correct area. Charge them and the misuse will evaporate.
Can anyone trust an agent who cannot even place a job posting in the correct area? I figure no.
Now all this confusion is up to Taiwanted to clear up, I for one am not seeking anything on a website who wastes my time in not policing the job postings. There are many other web sites who are willingly doing a fine job in directing the agents to the correct area. Until Taiwanted gets their act together I am not going to waste my valued time. When the hits go down, the web masters listen.
For the record, I’ve never seen a person of ANY position at a school use a “business” email address (an address with the domain of the school’s website.) It’s ALWAYS been yahoo, MSN, msa.hinet.net, etc.
This would definitely not make something an automatic case of quackery.
I know Berlitz in Taiwan as an example uses the Berlitz email addresses. You may be right overall though, my experience is not in Taiwan. So, automatically a case of quakery? Perhaps not but there may be a duck or goose under all the feathers.
Right, which makes it much harder to check who is an agent and who isn’t.
I will spend tomorrow going through the listings and taking out the obvious ones and investigating those that have been reported to me.
If agents want to post though, and they do so in the agents area, then they will stay. It’s up to the individual whether they want to apply to those positions or not.
And I will get the contact link, in fact all of those links working tomorrow hopefully. Thanks for the reminder.
It can be tricky to tell them apart sometimes. One hint is by viewing all their ads, if they have positions all over the place, then they could be an agent. But then again they could also be a chain school. Maybe you could insist on having the name and branch of the school, recruiters won’t publish that to stop you applying directly.