Take CNY holidays in India the birthplace of Yoga RYT 200/300 Hour teacher training

Receive your Yoga Alliance RYT200 or RYT300 Hour with us in Mysore, India!
叮叮噹- 送給自己或者是知心的最佳聖誕節禮物!

** Event dates: February 4th-28th, 2019
During Chinese New Year 2019

This 25 day yoga program is designed for yoga aspirants who want to improve their yoga skills in Mysore, the birthplace of Ashtanga Vinyasa and with Ashtanga’s most esteemed living legend, BNS Iyengar. You will also learn yoga philosophy, mudra, and pranayama in this program with BNS Iyengar.
According to CNN, senior yoga teachers with 7 years of experience, earn an average of $62K/year, and yoga teaching is ranked as the #10 most desirable job in the United States. Many graduates are able to earn back their tuition in three-to-six months of teaching and then have a skill set that serves them for life.

英國Guardian 報導我們在Mysore與 BNS Iyengar 之集訓被票選為世界瑜珈界第一。



高雄瑜珈學院 (Kaohsiung Yogi)是唯一提供阿斯湯加瑜伽以及10小時阿育吠陀按摩療法的學院。我們的阿育吠陀按摩教師是專業的傳統醫生。

• 當地的靜修與禪坐專家的講座
• 與印度當地專業醫生學習阿育吠陀療程
• 國際著名的瑜伽大師BNS Iyengar一起探討瑜珈呼吸法, 哲學 ,手印等
你希望成為專業的瑜珈教師嗎? 踏上一個可永久持續發展的職業生涯,並可以在國際舞台展放光芒! 瑜伽聯盟高層教師在現代這個生活及工作壓力龐大的社會被視為高需求的職業。 我們鼓勵您和我們一起擁抱這個機會,這絕對會是您千載難回的機會!





To Register/INFO

或Email BenditlikeBuddhaYoga@gmail.com

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