heard many a story bout this BARF EXPRESS but it all looks so exciting !!
youtube.com/watch?v=TChO5QU14GY& … ed&search=
happy girls in green island
heard many a story bout this BARF EXPRESS but it all looks so exciting !!
youtube.com/watch?v=TChO5QU14GY& … ed&search=
happy girls in green island
I have never been seasick before but I puked all the way to Green Island. the worst of it was seeing and hearing everyone else’s puke! The bathroom floors were covered in vomit and pople were walking around with baggies full of it! none of the doors or windows were open because of the rough seas (?) so it was absolutly miserable.
Then on the way back the ocean was flat, we got to stand on deck and i saw my first ever dolphins
[quote=“piwackit”]I have never been seasick before but I puked all the way to Green Island. the worst of it was seeing and hearing everyone else’s puke! The bathroom floors were covered in vomit and pople were walking around with baggies full of it! none of the doors or windows were open because of the rough seas (?) so it was absolutly miserable.
It is indeed a sight to behold. Once, me & my dog seemed to be the only ones not hurling, out of all the souls on board. I remember watching the vomit streak up & down the aisles in a horrid greasepan fashion. Each new wave brought new colors & aromas. Evetually we moved to a place close to one of the exits. Where we had to jostle for position amongst slip-sliding puking fiends. Eventually, I was able to work ourselves up to an elevated position. Dog & Hound both flared their nostrils towards that “scrotum-tightening sea”.
Next time I sprang out the cash for a helicopter ride.
Travel sickness medication works pretty well. I get nauseous very easily, but having taken anti-nausea medication before the last time I went on the Green Island ferry, my sister, her boyfriend, and I were fine whereas several other people around us were not. The ride was like being on a rollercoaster.
For those who can’t are allergic to such medication then ginger (for example ginger candy) may help with the nausea. It was the only non-pharmaceutical treatment that worked for the Mythbusters!
As for Green Island itself, I highly recommend going midweek or offpeak. It’s a lovely place and well worth a couple of days’ visit.
how UGH !! I hope that they are able to hose down the INSIDE of the BARF BOAT, after every journey.
im sure its worth it for the experience (not of the barfing ) but the roller coaster ride
how long is the ride to green island? and to orchid island ? ( heard orchid is way longer?)
[quote=“tommy525”]how UGH !! I hope that they are able to hose down the INSIDE of the BARF BOAT, after every journey.
im sure its worth it for the experience (not of the barfing ) but the roller coaster ride
how long is the ride to green island? and to orchid island ? ( heard orchid is way longer?)[/quote]It’s the only kind of roller coaster ride I’d go on willingly! But the seasickness tablets made it tolerable at least.
The Green Island ride’s roughly an hour. There are a couple of different ferry companies and the ferries themselves are different, with some older single hulled ones and some newer catamarans (twin hulls). Last time I went on a catamaran which I think is faster than the single hulled boats, but the downside is that you can’t go out on deck.
Yes, Orchid Island’s further. I guess the ferry trip takes at least two hours.
I went to Orchid Island by boat. It was a good three hours. And while I’m normally very prone to motion sickness (I can’t even sit in the back seat of a car if I’m going down a mountain), I took some Dramamine beforehand and I was able to nap through through the whole ride.
WOW three hours ON A barf boat??? count me OUT. I guess i would rather brave the tiny islander airplanes instead. However cuz of frequent strong winds, sometimes the planes land, but UPSIDE DOWN i hear???
I took the boat there, and the plane back once. I’ll take the barf boat over that plane ride anytime. I’ve never been so happy to land!
yaa i heard that the plane will make a person into a believer in the Creator pretty fast
and i guess this is where China Scarelines trains its pilots ?
do the barf boats run all year round? whens the best time to take them weather wise for the smoothest possible seas?
I loved the plane trip to orchid island (20 minutes), and I loved the boat ride back (3 hours), though the seas were choppy and 90% of people on board were green and vomiting. maybe i just like crazy motion… I just love rollercoasters and mountain bikes and horse riding…
The plane is a small twin prop high wing Dash something or other. stable, short take off and landing, nice plane for the job. seats 20 pax max. booking is haphazard at best, easiest to go to TaiTung airport and wait for the next flight. My wife and all the rest of the passengers were white-knuckle all the way, but it’s no more dangerous or jerky than a Taipei taxi. You can’t fly anything bigger out there: the runway is about as long as our hall corridor.
As for the ferry trip, the swell was only about 1 metre but there was a decent wind chop, and cutting across the swell didn’t help the dynamics at all… The captain came and ordered all of us inside as he said it was too dangerous, but those foreigners just don’t want to be told! But it was not rough if you’ve ever done any sailing, just a little bit of spray over the back, and a lot of slapping aginst the steep side of a short swell. And downstairs: swimming and stinking of vomit and diesel fumes, no wonder all the people were sick.
On a glassy day, it would be ideal. on a normal day, be prepared for a bit of a bumpy ride. and if there was a typhoon recently, don’t go.
Are there any nice hotels or good BNB on the island? Looks like a place one could spend a few days on in the summer.
This one.
Pro Tip: Go to the back of the boat, where they keep the luggage. Stare at the ocean. DO NOT sit inside the boat.