TAS establishes “Anti-Oppression Task Force”

I had a feeling someone (someone certainly capable in fact) might step in to take over on this one.

I’m not a Rushologist, so don’t feel qualified to take the issue on.

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Your take on it was spot on. Rush were arguing against the people who mandate how you must live, think, and express yourself…people like the racist cultists in charge of TAS’ current curriculum.

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On a somewhat related point, I discovered that I often don’t look carefully enough at people’s avatars. I thought yours (@Mithrandir ) was a Lego robot or something!!! I realize now that is not the case. :grinning:


there’s a thread for that The official "What's with your avatar?" thread - #148 by MalcolmReynolds

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Soon after this, the librarian also recommended a book where a girl from China gets sold into sex slavery in the United States and then she transitions into a man in order to fight against the crime ring. I forget the name, but the cover has a girl in traditional 19th century Chinese clothes, and her as a man in traditional 19th century men’s clothes.

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What do you mean by “transitions into a man” here?

I only skimmed the book, but she takes on a male name and persona. It doesn’t seem to be a transitioning like in modern gender theory sense, but it also seemed more than the standard “person dresses as the opposite sex” story line as the girl discovered “who she really was” (not a quote from the book) as a man and retains the male characteristics.

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like having a penis?

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I’m guessing it’s a dreary, implausible story - I suspect woke authors don’t consider how difficult that might have been to achieve in pre-technology days:

This is why Mulan dressed as a man before running off with them to war

similar to Parvana, not a real “transition” story

My Afghani girls begged me to read this. They knew girls back home who had to pretend to be boys just to go out to shop for food during the first Taliban regime.


It was a fairly common play trope from Aristophanes through Shakespeare. But I’m not aware of a play where the people felt their true self was the character they played as the opposite sex.

Oooh the only movie from Cartoon Saloon I have yet to watch! Their studio does amazing movies.

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It and the book are fascinating!

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A note from the school:

“Dear TAS Community,

In celebration of both the Lunar New Year and Black History Month in February, TAS and TAS Cultural Connection invite you to a webinar presentation titled “Parallels between the history of Taiwan and the Black Lives Matter movement: A Conversation on Empathy, Solidarity, and Action by Building Common Ground”. As part of the School’s commitment to the community to build continued understanding and discourse on issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, this presentation for parents will feature Middle School history teacher Weston Wang Cooper '08 (王韋盛) and consultant Anthony Kelley, who has been working with Upper School students again this year, generously funded by a PTA grant. A similar presentation was already given to faculty and staff last year.”

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Maybe you can reply with these links:

Following a movement (BLM) that has had its donations go unaccounted for sounds eerily similar to the blackhole of money that goes to TAS (certain people’s) pockets.



I mean, some parallels with the history of Taiwan do come to mind …

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