Taxis with baby/kid car seats

I know Uber car seat is a thing, and we use it when we can, but often there are no cars with seats in our area. Are there any taxi companies that allow you to request cars with car seats?

Yes, there are.
Have you tried the “FindTaxi” app?

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yes, the 55688 app has that option. you need to choose 多元計程車, then one of the options is 寶寶多元.
it costs more: the fee is the meter fee*1.2 (i.e. if the meter says 100, you pay 120)


Thanks both. Will try these out when I’m in Miaoli in a couple weeks

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If you there with your whole family, have you thought about renting a car with a baby car set instead?

RickRoll has a point, not sure how many taxis with car seats in Miaoli. The cab company offers this option, but it doesnt guarentee a car will be near you when you need it…


I don’t drive in Taiwan :slight_smile:

Will give the taxis a shot