TEACHERS! Gimme your preventative ways

IOW, nobody knows.

How is your health these days? I would try to change your diet and other habits in some small ways maybe to see if it makes any difference, although you may not be doing anything incorrectly!

It may just be your body’s reaction to a new environment and different bacteria. Teatree oil is a natural antibacterial and anti fungal and anti viral extract. It’s non harmful (If diluted) Do not ingest it, but put a few drops in freshly hot boiled water, put a towel over your head and create a steaming environment for your face and breathe in the steam in through your nose, out through mouth or whatever. I would keep this bowl aside and use it only specifically for this reason. Otherwise clean it out very thoroughly if you intend to eat from the bowl in future.

It would do you no harm to use teatree oil this way, and may help clear any viruses, and help with trapped bacteria/ pollution/ viruses in your sinuses. It could make a world of a difference. I had 5 small 10ml bottles posted out to me when I lived in Korea and it was a tremendous help over the years for when the pollution and dust got bad.

Eucalyptus oil is also apparently good for getting sinuses cleared out. However I am a big advocate of using teatree oil. I struggled to find it in Korea, and therefore had to get it posted out from the UK. Although I am not sure whether you can find it in Taiwan? Maybe someone in this forum knows?

Thanks all for the pointers and advice. I went in on rubbing alcohol as a spray hand sanitizer and wipe my desk/keyboard every morning. I haven’t been sick in MONTHS. Brilliant. Love it. Thank you!!!
(This was before the corona virus so thankfully I was able to find a huge bottle of rubbing alcohol)

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