Teaching at Aces English cram school

I was just curious if anyone here has taught at Aces English before, and if you’d like to share your experiences with me publicly or privately. They’re kind of a standout school as teachers are required to use Chinese to teach English grammar (my ability is sufficient enough), also the hourly rate is quite high compared to other English cram schools. Just want to get a general feeling for what it’s like to work in that environment (of course I know the feeling could be different dependent on the branch).
Thanks in advance!

Hiring bilingual teachers is always a plus.

I know a guy who worked there for a good stretch, made good money, but moved on partly because having kids made it a poor fit time-wise and partly because he hit burnout stage in their hyperactive and less than totally empathetic work culture. If you’re young and really gung-ho, it can be a good kind of gig.


Konwn as a hard core buxiban, good pay.

Thanks for the bit of feedback. I did talk to the owner once before, he seemed open to possibly hiring me, yeah I guess I fear the burnout, just teaching at a regular buxiban tires me out enough, having to teach big classes using Chinese while parents are also sitting in the classes, and I think being responsible for doing all grading, don’t know if I could survive. But the wage is definitely inviting.

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What is their hourly pay rate?

They’re looking for teachers right now, their posted rate is 1000-1350/hr after completion of training.

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