Teaching at Giraffe English School - Neili, Taoyuan

Hi everyone. My boyfriend has a potential opportunity to teach at Giraffe English School in Neili. He is hesitant because he just spent a year teaching at another chain school that made him miserable. Has anyone worked at or heard of this school? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Haven’t heard of it, but a search yielded these two results. Didn’t read through them, but they might let you get a feel for the chain. Both threads are a little dated though.


Thanks DrewC. I found those as well, but I was told that the conditions vary with these large chains. I haven’t been able to find anyone who has worked at this specific branch as yet. Someone said that needing a new teacher after the first month of the semester is usually a red flag, but I’m not sure if that’s the case.