What are the requirements for Taiwanese citizens teaching ESL in Taiwan? I’ve gone through the plethora of advice for foreign nationals but I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to expound upon the intricacies of teaching ESL as a citizen of ROC.
Although I’m a naturalized US citizen, I was born in Taiwan, and, from what I gathered, this appoints me to the status of a Type 2 or “Overseas Chinese” status citizen. I’m fluent in English and I do not yet have a bachelor’s degree. Would I be eligible to teach English in Taiwan?
[quote=“iamchewy”]What are the requirements for Taiwanese citizens teaching ESL in Taiwan? I’ve gone through the plethora of advice for foreign nationals but I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to expound upon the intricacies of teaching ESL as a citizen of ROC.
Although I’m a naturalized US citizen, I was born in Taiwan, and, from what I gathered, this appoints me to the status of a Type 2 or “Overseas Chinese” status citizen. I’m fluent in English and I do not yet have a bachelor’s degree. Would I be eligible to teach English in Taiwan?[/quote]
Yes and No.
Yes, you can teach English at any non-public school that will hire you. (I am not clear on the visa status for “overseas chinese”. But if you need a work permit through a visa…you cant get one without a degree to teach.)
No, you can’t teach at any public school Elementary to University without degrees, etc.
Taiwanese who teach get paid squat.
Foreigners who teach get paid a lot more. You however are Taiwanese by birth. Because you “look” like a local it will be hard for you to find a teaching job that pays what white feriners make. There are specialized schools that ask for ABC etc, you can try those. I hear the pay is just a bit below the average white feriner salary.
Taiwanese teachers can earn the same as foreigners, but it’s rare.
My ex-gf, who went to high school and university in Canada (8 years total living there) earns about the same as a foreigner. One place she works, she’s actually getting over $1000 per hour. She only has a TW passport, and a bachelor degree from a Canadian uni.
She does, however, work more hours (9am-8pm on average, but at a couple of different schools). I think she teaches about 7-8 hours a day. Saturdays she works for a couple of hours in the afternoon only. She also has the advantage of being able to work in a kindy, which a foreigner can’t do.