Tech workers who flocked to Taiwan’s Covid-free haven are now fleeing

Said, no economist ever.

Taiwan needs to breed like rabbits.

Wrong= thread.

Or not. The world is running against hard limits that are now becoming more and more apparent. Power shortages in China, and natural gas shortages in Europe this winter are signs of things to come. You can’t have unlimited growth on a finite planet. It’s just mathematically impossible.


You gotta be kidding me. That’s all due to supply chain disruptions fron the pandemic.

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So last year we didn’t have a pandemic? So why didn’t we have similar problems then when the situation was worse?

Says guy…In Tainan…I mean Norway. Where is ‘your economy and life’?

So anyway the Taiwanese American rich dickheads are back. I know this because I can hear their Porches and Ferraris accelerating up and down Tayou Rd.


When I was I Germany, a Dutch woman said I was “Americanized, like a cowboy.”

Going by all the white homeless people and shite lined streets I doubt it.

It is because of Brexit and Donald Trump.:wink:

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Yes thats true. But my comments were aimed at the thread title of high wage entitled tech workers, not fisheries workers.

the reality is, its not just SEA workers that get fucked here. lots do, absolutely. They also are the majority of foreigners here. Visa issues are a real issue though if comparing countries, thats a fact and cannot be argued by they can choose a better situation. No one is here complimenting taiwans workers rights. I bet the lions share of us here have all been truly fucked by it. I sure have, and i am not brown.

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