Tech workers who flocked to Taiwan’s Covid-free haven are now fleeing

That is in itself stupid because it is impossible to determine who is diaspora and who isn’t. Many Chinese-Americans have ROC passports or have parents who have/had ROC passports, but have nothing to do with Taiwan. That is precisely the reason why absentee voting isn’t allowed. Jews are a race that share a religious faith and a language, Taiwanese is not.

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So to summarize:

@Baobab - Something about Israel

@Gain - that’s stupid this is nothing like Israel

@Baobab - get with the program, this discussion is not about Israel


Yeah, totally impossible to come up with a criteria, like “child of an ROC citizen who was born in TW.” :roll_eyes:

Anyway, there’s already a path for 2nd gen diaspora to immigrate. One of the complaints was that the process could be made easier, such as greater access to assistance in English.

You do realize that a lot of Jews aren’t very religious (“Cultural Jews”) and tons of them don’t speak Hebrew. That’s one of the reasons that Israel offers free Hebrew lessons, the same way that TW could offer Chinese language lessons. If you had been paying attention…

But yeah, I get it. Lots of people want TW to stay the way that it is. “Close the door once I’m in!” “Don’t take our women!” There’s nothing meaningful the country can and should do to attract diaspora or skilled foreigners. Mei ban fa into oblivion.

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What has the war got to do with the original point?

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What Taiwanese -American can’t get a tech job?

They can if they speak Mandarin. But if he/she is a US citizen then he/she has the option
to be in the USA or here.

What did you mean by home country? US or Taiwan?

Better summary:

@ Somebody: you know here’s an idea that might help Taiwan attract and retain immigrants who can contribute to the country
@ Taiwan: that could never work here! Mei ban fa!
@ Long-time Taiwan expat 1: goddamn digital nomads!
@ Long-time Taiwan expat 2: I’ll be damned if those ABTs from California get that when I don’t! I came to Taiwan in 2001 and am practically Taiwanese!


Basically every argument here.


I really don’t get the hate for these guys or anyone visiting or spending time in Taiwan.

It might help to start thinking positive sum instead of negative sum. We had almost no movement of people during the first decade I spent here. If people want to come here, something is going right.



I think “hate” is a strong word, but I’d say it’s their sense of entitlement. This is one of the most affluent and privileged groups in America, and they come here and whine about how the government isn’t doing enough for them. Boo-hoo, poor little rich kids.


Money talks, will upgrade your food quality.

You maybe need to talk with Taiwanese, your fellow compatriots, not with foreigners, if it is about diaspora.

@Liam_Og - a summary

@Baobab - a more all encompassing summary

@Liam_Og - a summary of summaries


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I guess the first generation were entitled rich KMT members that had the resources and connections.

Well some are maybe afraid of being second choice now when it comes to picking up girls in Taiwan… Clearly most gold card holders are way better educated and have higher salary compared to the average English teacher. They may also feel being looked down on. for what I know being an English teacher abroad is not a wise decision if you wanna make a big career, if it’s more than 1-2 years.
So they are envious. I do believe most of the english teachers know they could have chosen the career route as well but got lazy, preferred quality of life over money. When these ones then see successful YouTubers or bloggers they hate them for having more success while at least on the outside being even lazier…they maybe hate the themselves for not having chosen the vlogger route…
Just remember, becoming a vlogger and being successful is usually way riskier than becoming an ESL teacher. And it usually means you need to be good looking, and people who seemingly only get what they have by their looks have always been hated on due to envy.

I feel every country should try to get more good earning digital nomads. As for not good earning ones it’s a harder decision. Most are still educated well above average. Just countries have to understand, digital nomads will leave as soon as there are better places to live.

I’m sure for the economy it’s a wise decision to lure digital nomads. Main problem is if you do that via tax reasons only and join in a race to the bottom, like with big corporate taxes. I kinda feel it’s still a profitable decision.

Awesome analysis!

Btw, when you are leaving for China again?



I think this says a lot more about your personal views on English teachers than it does about anything remotely connected to reality.


This isn’t Tinder.

It’s forumosa, where all manner of stupidities can be posted! :upside_down_face:
