Tech workers who flocked to Taiwan’s Covid-free haven are now fleeing

Oh come on, stop being disingenuous, Taiwan clearly should be more like Israel :laughing:

Bombing indigenous enclaves on the weekends, come on It’d be great



you mentioned assimilation several times, but I wonder how many 1st gen immigrants to Taiwan want to be assimilated. I don’t want and feel no need. 2nd gen must be assimilated through education without much difficulty.
ABT maybe feel differently.

Ditto on the personal views, but reality?

That’s a one word epistemology right there.

(Silently awaiting being swashbuckled by milker now :laughing:)


Everybody is very remotely connected to reality, but some just a bit more than others. :wink:

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Kinda like Shiva :grin:

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Watch out. I roll with Kali, and Kali is well armed.


I knew I’d get swashbuckled. It’s like the Bruce almighty scene with the monkey every time. :laughing:


Goes to show they arent really that bright if this is the reason they keep jumping ship…

Taiwanese-Americans is a top 3 ethnic group in America in terms of tertiary education and household income.

What’s so funny about that?

Taiwanese Americans are mostly kids whose parents when immigrated for grad school.

Taiwanese-Canadians are mostly parachute kids, sent there while their parents stay home so they can get into college easier

If I were Taiwanese, I’d feel lucky about that, and I might thank the relevant deity or deities if I were a religious Taiwanese, but I probably wouldn’t be bubbling over with gratitude to the United States, for reasons that I hope to show below.

Here’s how it was in January of 1950, in pertinent part:

Harry S.Truman, “Statement On Formosa,” January 5, 1950, from the website of the US-China Institute, University of Southern California

About six months later, North Korea invaded South Korea, and that changed things, in pertinent part:

Harry S. Truman, “Statement Issued by the President,” June 27, 1950, from the website of the Office of the Historian, Department of State

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How about that. Something @gain , @OysterOmelet and I all completely agree on. Although racially Han doesnt fit the definition.of minority, and privileged doesnt fit the narrative of white, but its absolutely true. In canada chinese and cantonese are also right up there, never mind the indian subcontinent. But ya, as chinese, taiwanese and cantonese are all racially similar it spans a very large section of canadas wealth. No one can deny that. But its fair to say, nationality wise, that those 3 groups have different end .goals, generally speaking.

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I think a lot of people, if not most, agree the korean war postoponed chinas oppression of taiwan. This decade, however, i dont think the koreas murdering each other will save taiwan from chinas rampant genocidal evolution…in fact i kinda expect countries like Germany to give good old nazi styled Xi a thumbs up on face book. Other countries, like Canada, New Zealand, half of Europe etc, to just insert ear plugs and wait for the scary noises to go away while random bank deposits keep showing up unexpectedly and the other 80% of the planet to just allow slow rape of their lands and people, as if it were jail rules and they only want to protect their own ass at shower time.

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And? Being “privileged” is about more than median household income and education, it’s about your status/standing in society.

But even on a purely financial and educational basis, if you think being part of a group of people who have around $100,000 in median household income makes you among “the most privileged groups of people on the planet”, you have no idea.

This wouldn’t even make you among one of the most privileged groups of people in California.

Well those communists should be thankful for those foreigners and KMT who won the war for them.


I don’t have a position on the overall argument, but was curious which groups have greater household income and wealth in California (or the US) than Taiwanese Americans?

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Good, go home. I do.not want a bunch of weak spined Gold carder holders here anyway. Good riddance. I hope their cards are revoked so they cannot get back in after a few months when the vaccines are sorted.

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You’re stealing my lines on ESL teachers :wink: