Terminating babies in the US

At a federal level and in several states, the US allows for late term and partial birth abortion. While outlawed almost everywhere else in the world, the US is joined by estimable company such as China, North Korea, and Vietnam in allowing for the killing of viable babies.

Recently, a group of pro-life activists in DC illegally entered and obstructed the actions of an abortion clinic, apparently retrieving the remains of 5 apparently fully formed babies. I don’t recommend seeking out the pics of these babies.

While at least some of the pro-life activists are being brought to justice for their crimes, the DC police are reportedly refusing to conduct autopsies on the dead babies to determine if any laws were broken (the babies are potentially partially or fully born) and are uninterested in seeing if any laws were broken by the abortion clinic.

I am having a very hard time finding good sources for this story, so if I messed something up or missed something, please forgive me.

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You don’t have a source other than New York Post? Sorry but I’m going to need journalism to believe any part of this story. I don’t care who’s political affiliation the reporting comes from, but I do need to know that the person writing the story actually made sure it was true

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Sher. The Post never breaks big stories. :roll_eyes:


So no CNN, WaPo, NYTimes, LATimes, or other publications repeatedly caught in outright lies? The New York Post is certainly biased, but who isn’t nowadays? Click on the links if you want to learn more.

Edit: But I strongly recommend being careful clicking on any links related to this story as the pictures are extremely disturbing.


I’m not generally a fan of the Post either, but the linked story seems to be pretty much just the facts, and doesn’t even go into the “viable babies” angle. I think the primary source for that part is here, although as @Mithrandir said, maybe don’t click on it, it has photos:

Yeah, the viable babies angle is mine. I feel that the focus on whether the laws on partial birth or post-birth killing of babies is important, but equally important is how much of an outlier the US is on the killing of viable babies. Even if no laws were broken here, it demonstrates how sick and evil the existing laws are.

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Well now I’m curious…

I wish I didn’t look. Horrendous.

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Yeah. You were warned!

I basically agree – I can’t really see the logic in allowing abortions of late-term babies without a strong medical reason either, assuming that women who want abortions at an earlier stage have realistic access to them, and that adoptions are reliably available if they want that instead. I don’t know how true the second part is in the US. The first part is obviously a controversy of its own, but I feel like making it harder for women to have early-stage abortions can only result in more late-stage abortions, which isn’t good for anyone.

On the story itself, though, it’s hard to know whether these babies were actually viable or not, as the experts quoted in the Live Action piece are careful to point out. I wonder whether these clinics have any sort of regular inspections or regulation.

Won’t anyone think about the CHILDREN!! :cry:

If you are against late term abortions, don’t look…it may give you nightmares and it will be difficult to ever get the images out of your head. If you are in favor of late term abortions, take a look at what you support.


I don’t know enough to make a decent comment about it. I just clicked the link because I was warned not to.

I read the articles from the BBC and the Guardian. They state that the fetuses may have come from a “medical waste facility” but their source is unknown. So we don’t know if these little bodies came from an abortion clinic, were stillborn, due to an accident or illness, etc.

Therefore Mithrandir’s using this article as proof of the Evil U.S. and evil late term abortions doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. (And I’m not saying abortion is nice. I don’t like it. But the articles I read don’t support the op’s rant.)

Yup, some cultural wars issues are way more politicized in the
USA than in Europe.

In Europe no one bats an eye when you flip a mouse’s sexual orientation in the lab.

Ah the dismissive mocking of the different minded. I suppose you don’t believe in jaysoos neither.

Any practice called a “partial” birth abortion is bound to have revolting pi tures just the name itself is enough to put me off even clicking on the link.


So a lot of the details in the OP were wrong due to bad reporting by the likes of the BBC, the Guardian, and the deliberate obfuscation of the DC police. It seems that the pro-lifers got the human remains from an employee at the disposal company and were not obstructing or interfering with an abortion clinic…a clinic whose doctor has stated that he would allow babies accidentally born during an abortion procedure to die. It also seems that the pro-lifers called the police to report what they found, were ignored for a day, and only got a response after the police had decided how to arrest them. It is astounding to me that this story isn’t being reported on more.

Fuck me. I shouldn’t have googled some of the unfamiliar terms mentioned in this thread. Partial birth abortion……wtf. At least you guys warned me not to look at the pictures.

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