I am currently in a 2 year fixed term contract position as an English teacher in a buxiban. The contract goes for another 9 months but I recently have a bunch of health problems and want to get out of the contract early and just enjoy life for a while, I am holder of an APRC so in terms of visa it does not pose a problem and financially speaking I do not really need to work and can live from savings a few years. However, I read that the employer can sue you for breach of contract if the school does not agree/accept your early resignation of a fixed contract. My contract does not have a specific penalty set for leaving early but it has this clause:
“If the contract is terminated early, compensation should be made based on government regulations”
Is there an easy solution to this ? If I decide to just quit with 30 days notice and the school does not accept it and therefore it is not legally valid, what would be the consequence, and if they decide to sue me, how much would that be usually ?
This is true but they have to actually sue you to get money out of you which is too expensive/troublesome for buxiban owners. It’s mostly an empty threat.
Note that they cannot withhold your wages and you must be paid regardless of your breach of contract. If they do that you can take the to the labour bureau and they will get a fine and you will be paid
There are no government regulations.
You either settle or they sue you
Honestly just quit. They’ll probably just have a tantrum then that will be that.
Give them 30 days notice and let them know your dealing with some medical issues and that’s it. If they want to throw a fit, let them. You have an APRC. Remember that if they had wanted to fire you, they’d do it in a heartbeat. That’s the way it works in cram schools. As a side note, don’t sign a 2 year contract in the future unless there’s a significant bonus attached to it.