Testosterone - bring with me?

Hey guys,

Been reading these topics about testosterone. Does anyone know if testosterone cypionate is still “otc” in taiwan? I am currently in Taichung and I am not having much luck regarding obtaining this. Until now, all pharmacists redirect me to the clinics/hospitals. Is it just a matter of trying more pharmacies or have the regulations tightened over the past few years?

(random question: does anyone know where I can find the rules regarding pm’ing? I can’t find the pm button to contact someone directly. Or is this being caused by me being a new member?)

Thank in advance for reading!

They’re doing that because it’s not OTC.

If you click on someone’s icon you should see the blue Message button. If not, yes, just read the site a little bit.

I assume the department you go regarding getting checked is hematology?

It seems a lot of people have this question. Testosterone is not OTC in Taiwan, you need a prescription. However, like many drugs that need a prescription, some pharmacies will sell it to you without it. They usually don’t mind unless it’s a strictly controlled drug like Xanax. From what I understand from a pharmacist I asked, they are really only checked for those strictly controlled drugs. They can however get in trouble for selling you something without a script if you need it in theory, but it seems it’s not really enforced and understood that it happens in Taiwan.

as far as I know testosterone isn’t OTC in the states either. But it’s not hard to get prescriptions for it, it just cost a lot for a doctor’s visit.

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How did you get on with this? i will be staying in Taiwan for 6 months and will need to bring that TRT supply with me.


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Sorry Matt86. Replied to you via email link but must have made it.

Yes, see update above, I brought vials with me and no problem at airport.

Can also buy test Cyp over the counter if you ask nicely.

I’m waiting for a visa entry permit and hopefully be over there soon too.

Solved, closing this.