Texas passes law on abortion, limits to six weeks to get it done

A fetus is an unborn baby. My wife had a very high risk pregnancy and birth and we had about 8 different doctors and many more nurses. Not once did anyone refer to our children as anything other than “babies”.


So it’s OK in your view to abort a 9mo fetus because an abortion is an abortion, correct?

You never seen to answer the question directly.


Yes. It is entirely the right of the woman.

You were not being clear. I never once mentioned babies on a topic about foeti.

Apparently so. I think his religious views are that when the exact same entity changes location by a foot or 2, it magically transforms from being a non-alive clump of cells with no rights to a fully formed human life deserving of rights.


Got it. So basically my initial post stands and this was all for nothing.

I’m just surprised anyone would think aborting a healthy 9mo fetus is OK.

It’s legal where I come from and it’s entirely the right of the woman to do so.

No need, it’s crystal clear to me that you don’t want to answer them. You can easily see them above if you like.

It’s not a great list of countries (assuming the list is still accurate).

Well the only ones I see are the ones that I just posted the responses to? I honestly don’t know where you’re getting this from or why you’re being so hostile. I’m more than willing to take another crack at a question if my answer was insufficient for some reason.

Because I’ve asked you directly already, gotten no answer, re-asked to clarify, and just gotten further obfuscating responses. I’ll just draw my own conclusions, no worries, you can do the same.

The only one I see that you’ve repeated or clarified was “but does a small mass of cells have the same rights and claims on the state’s protection against being killed as a fully formed human?”

I’ve answered that question 3 times already by assuming that you felt the answer was “no” and agreeing that there was truth to that position. To make it even more clear than it was in the other 3 times I’ve answered the question or the other times I’ve referred to my previous answers, my answer is “no”. Because I don’t believe there is any way that you didn’t know this, I’m not really sure what more of an answer you could have wanted.

I’m pro life, but I’m not very keen on having the government come in to say what I can and can not do on my most personal life decisions. When you allow the government to have power over your decisions on having a child, this is just a few steps away from the government coming in and implementing a 1 child policy like in China.

The legal system should not be conflated with moral authority.


That’s exactly my view.

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That’s not an answer. Maybe you can go forward in a discussion with that, but I can’t.

Thank you. That is an answer.

If that was true, I would not have asked. It’s not an unusual position to think “yes” you know. The only answer I wanted was what you thought, in the interest of having a good faith discussion. I can see now however that that was not a mutual feeling. I’ll just move on.

I get that, and I agree with it somewhat. I would point out that what we’re talking about is the government restricting your ability to end another life, not to create another life.

I think the complicated history and nature of this argument realistically means that my moral position wouldn’t be the right legal position (i.e., abortion would have to be legal for some amount of time and/or circumstances), but it seems more obvious to me that laws that allow elective abortion until birth are evil on their face.


Your continued apparent hostility is really perplexing. I answered the question a bunch and told you so. You never once indicated why my answer was insufficient, (or even recognizing that I did answer you but that you felt the answer was insufficient. Instead you keep attributing obviously false motives to me as I continually do my best to clarify the positions.

It’s complicated, I don’t have the exact analogy for it. I think it’s the question of will this law do more good or more harm. I don’t know. There is a legit argument that people seeking abortions will get it still and it will be more dangerous.

I don’t have a good answer on how to save lives of unborn children while having the best interest of the mother at the same time with the most positive outcome and the least amount of harm.

No no no. You just said yourself that you assumed bad faith on my part by saying “Because I don’t believe there is any way that you didn’t know this”. Why would I ask in that case except in bad faith? Whatever, I’m fine with anyone reading it and coming to whatever conclusion they reach.

I don’t know either, but if it leads to an overruling of Roe and Casey, that will be an excellent outcome at least. Whether you believe that abortion should be legal or not, those decisions are a threat to everyone’s rights. SCOTUS went well beyond the text of the constitution and inferred a right to privacy, and then based on this newly invented right found a right to terminate an unborn baby pre-viability. When SCOTUS can make up laws without significant textual basis, it’s not a good thing for the country.

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I DON’T KNOW! As I’ve said many times I have found your conduct and replies perplexing. I answer questions and you claim that I didn’t. I ask for help understanding your questions and you attack me personally. I try and clarify even more and you want to shut down conversation. You keep on saying that you’re done discussing, but you keep on answering. I really don’t get it.