Thailand attack: ex-cop kills 38 at daycare centre, 24 were children

True, but spree killings are a relatively recent phenomenon and they are increasing in frequency. My, totally amateur, theory is personality types who would have become serial killers are spree killing instead.

I think it takes much more thought and planning to pull off being a “serial” killer than most spree killers are capable of.

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More often than not these mass murderers ended up offing themselves on the spot or soon after, which is just all the more enraging. Why didn’t they just kill themselves without killing a bunch of strangers or even CHILDREN?


maybe less society enabling violence and more he was a cop in a society that has violence. I would say every single cop, social worker, paramedic etc I have ever known ends up with SEVERE mental illness eventually. it is a depressing as all fuck job and we should be doing more for them on that.

a guy working a seriously sick fucked up job for years and has access to guns finally snaps. as tragic as it is, it isnt shocking it was a cop :frowning:

Ya, it’s pretty hard to imagine. Makes zero sense. but then, being crazy tends to be defined by literally a lack of logic.

Because they believe others are responsible for the hardship they’ve endured and are even guilty for living a better life than they do. Murderer–suicides were found to be highly depressed and overwhelmingly men.

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Indeed. It’s the ultimate revenge against society that has ‘failed’ them.

the above is probably describing exceptionally entitled fucktards.

As many discussions have gone on over the years on this forum (usually in regards to drug addicts, but is still relevant here): the elderly generation that enabled and spoiled our current generations are slowly expiring and the entitled fucktard generations are left without the entitlement, bank accounts and constant plan Bs that they were raised to think they deserve. watch immature freak outs become more and more common place, especially in Taiwan.

I don’t know. How spoiled entilted as a child could an ex Thai cop be?

likely more entitled than 90% of the rest of his community I would imagine. as is nearly every cop in nearly every country.

I thought the same.

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Btw, this is on the idiot headline writer, not the Pope.



Yikes, that’s embarrassing. at least he got the country right in the body of the article.