Thank you, Forumosa, and farewell!

I’ve met both of the parties concerned face-to-face since the divorce. Neither one seems to have any hard feelings or be blaming anyone. I’ve known both of them for many years, I know how they work, and I’m pretty sure it’s simply a case of having to make a difficult choice about strategic issues. One person feels one way, the other disagrees, so the solution is to test both.

Strategic means “which software features do we spend our limited funds on?” - a big question and one that’s easy to disagree over. You can disagree about where to spend money, but still be friends. Trust me on this, there are no politics going on behind the scenes.[/quote]
It’s a forum. What software/strategic issues could there be, unless the debate is over making it something other than a forum? As a forum, it’s the content (posts) that interest users more than the bells and whistles. IMO.

im goin where the chicks are hotter :sunglasses:

fixed, tommy.

People registering at may not get a confirmation message once their registration has been approved - simply go to check out whether you can log in a few days after registering.

It’s a forum NOW. And it struggles to pay it’s hosting costs, while eating up a lot of time for the people behind the scenes.

Should it remain just a forum? Should there be a classifieds section? Should the classifieds be improved? What about a wiki or other reference material so that people don’t have to trawl through old threads or start yet another one asking the same question? Is there a need for a magazine, or a place for photographers to show off?

Are the owners wasting their time? What benefits do they get from all the work involved? Is there any way to spread the workload by bringing other people into the team? How will those people fit with the existing way of doing things? etc.

It’s very easy to disagree about such things, especially if you have been maintaining this thing for 12 years without getting any real reward from it. Maybe it needs to pay for itself, maybe it needs to be more fun to do, maybe things are absolutely great as they are and your partner should stop trying to change things. Maybe it needs new blood, fresh ideas, maybe it needs to get back to basics without interference from well-meaning outsiders.

Maybe a million things. Why speculate about it? Why read more into this than there is? Two people did something together for a long time, and now they want to do different things. No big deal. What do you care about their lives, hopes, ambitions, free time? Why not just let them get on with it?


Maybe a million things. Why speculate about it? Why read more into this than there is? Two people did something together for a long time, and now they want to do different things. No big deal. What do you care about their lives, hopes, ambitions, free time? Why not just let them get on with it?[/quote]

Fair enough but I think this last part of your response is a little arrogant. The reasons you give for two people going off in two creative directions makes perfect sense, but for a site that often pledges to want to represent all foreigners in Taiwan, it shouldn’t fight back against curiosity on the part of people that make up that community. In other words it’s perfectly normal for people to want more information on a major change and to criticize/dismiss people for being curious comes across as a little COMINTERNish. :laughing:

It’s a forum NOW. And it struggles to pay it’s hosting costs, while eating up a lot of time for the people behind the scenes.[/quote]
I don’t know about what web host they use, or if they have their own servers, but my web site is hosted on WebHostingPad, who regularly offers deals of US$2/month. Never had any problems or down time. Mind you, this site probably gets more traffic than mine, but I don’t understand this huge cost.

As for people’s time moderating, it’s volunteer, right?

[quote=“Loretta”]Should it remain just a forum? Should there be a classifieds section? Should the classifieds be improved? What about a wiki or other reference material so that people don’t have to trawl through old threads or start yet another one asking the same question? Is there a need for a magazine, or a place for photographers to show off?

Are the owners wasting their time? What benefits do they get from all the work involved? Is there any way to spread the workload by bringing other people into the team? How will those people fit with the existing way of doing things? etc.

It’s very easy to disagree about such things, especially if you have been maintaining this thing for 12 years without getting any real reward from it. Maybe it needs to pay for itself, maybe it needs to be more fun to do, maybe things are absolutely great as they are and your partner should stop trying to change things. Maybe it needs new blood, fresh ideas, maybe it needs to get back to basics without interference from well-meaning outsiders.

Maybe a million things. Why speculate about it? Why read more into this than there is? Two people did something together for a long time, and now they want to do different things. No big deal. What do you care about their lives, hopes, ambitions, free time? Why not just let them get on with it?[/quote]
You sure have one hell of a lot of questions. Don’t they tell you anything?
Good luck.

I guess you answered your own question. The two guys split up and went separate ways it seems. One was most likely requested by the other to leave.

Do we really need to know? I think not.

For me its not why they split?? Its the ‘how come they could stay together for so long’ story that intrigues me. And I would like to hear both versions :smiley:

Whens the book and movie coming? Can we get Wei Teh Sheng to direct it?

We can call the book, ‘Maoegg’ or ‘Gooseman’ :roflmao: Oh alright, but whenever sth. lasts as long as this does, there’s a good story innit.

We can call the book, ‘Maoegg’ or ‘Gooseman’ :roflmao: Oh alright, but whenever sth. lasts as long as this does, there’s a good story innit.[/quote]

Yeah we can call it MaoGoose’s SeedyMosa or something . :sunglasses:

I just did a quick check and the Flob is outposting the Tease at a rate of 10 to 1. (Based on new posts from 6 am this morning.) It would be interesting to monitor this KPI. If that ratio of 10:1 doesn’t trend lower (higher?) over time one wonders at what point Anthony would pull the plug :ponder: Of course the trend may be going the other way. I’ll try and track it day on day 6 am to 12 pm for a while.

it seems to me that the most posts on Taiwanese are about children, parenthood or anything else family related… maybe they should change the name?

Well that’s because Anthony incorporated a parenting website ( into Taiwanease so those posters are now posting under the Taiwanease umbrella.

Ha. Perhaps reports of the flob’s death are greatly exaggerated. I did a VERY rough check a coupla months ago based on the most recent posts - it was about 2 to 1 in the flob’s favor.

Ha. Perhaps reports of the flob’s death are greatly exaggerated. I did a VERY rough check a coupla months ago based on the most recent posts - it was about 2 to 1 in the flob’s favor.[/quote]

TP! guess that server reboot caused some gremlins to run amok…

Ha. Perhaps reports of the flob’s death are greatly exaggerated. I did a VERY rough check a coupla months ago based on the most recent posts - it was about 2 to 1 in the flob’s favor.[/quote]

My guess is if critical mass isn’t reached most posters won’t bother switching over. The more conscientious Tease mods have made an effort to post and in particular to start interesting threads that attract others to post. Coupla times I’ve seen stuff I might respond to but not enough to make me register. As has already been mentioned there isn’t much reason to post on the same topics in two places to the same “gallery”.

Ha. Perhaps reports of the flob’s death are greatly exaggerated. I did a VERY rough check a coupla months ago based on the most recent posts - it was about 2 to 1 in the flob’s favor.[/quote]
Well, I do post here much more than I post there. :blush:

I think they’re waiting for their other stuff to kick in and afaik, it hasn’t yet. :popcorn: