The Adlon Restaurant and Bar Taipei

I mean heard Adlon, (previously Carnegie’s) is for sale or closing so if anyone’s interested.

Now maybe the time or not the time to jump on it. The right management could turn that space into a phenomenal Asian known or internationally known space.

The right management is key.

I mean the producers and best club owners in Taiwan kind of know better than to jump into that spot.

You know the neighborhood has like 60-80 bars and cocktail bars but no dance clubs so could it work?

No walking traffic, no other dance clubs like ATT4fun Xiny area or Kor area or Maji area or uni areas.

Someone that understands the area and understands managing a bar and having a club and you know could turn it into something spectacular but

Otherwise it’s going to turn into a massage parlor or dentist office or art gallery or Plastic Surgery Clinic or maybe something else rotating until it settles down to something.

Because the neighborhood is dull and boring and that’s what everything turns into seems like or more likely go through iterations for a few years before it settles down to something barely survivable.