Royce Chocolate. Delicious, mouth-watering, melts you when placed in your mouth, Royce, is available on B2 of the new Sogo at Zhongxiao-Fuxing.
OMG, soooo good.
Marabou from Sweden Ikea has it sometimes…
Well, most good quality European chocolate is good, not counting the UK and more eastern European countries here…
Sorry to say this but American chocolate sucks…
You’ve never had good American chocolate, so you don’t know what you’re saying.
There is fantastic high quality dark chocolate made in the US. Just like our best beers, we don’t ship that stuff out because we know you will drink the crappy Budweiser and Coors and Miller. We keep the good stuff for ourselves.
I saw a documentary last week on American chocolate and I must say I was impressed … would like to go on a tour … drink artisan beer, eat the chocolate and cheeses and more of the good American stuff … and no, I’m not talking about McD and, KFC, BK and others …
The best chocolate is the kind that all of you will bring to my apartment and put in my mouth for me so I don’t have to lift a finger!
You should try the cheese and beer from my region - believe it or not, part of New York has huge dairy farms, wineries, breweries…it’s not all Manhattan. We have Saranac, Ithaca Beer, Honey Brown…not to mention that the strawberries there in summer put the ones in Taiwan to shame.
Anyway, to bring this vaguely back to topic, if you dip those strawberries in Chocolate, you should be sure that it’s Belgian. That’s one thing I’ve not found local (at home, so American) that’s good enough.
You’ve never had good American chocolate, so you don’t know what you’re saying.
There is fantastic high quality dark chocolate made in the US. Just like our best beers, we don’t ship that stuff out because we know you will drink the crappy Budweiser and Coors and Miller. We keep the good stuff for ourselves.[/quote]
oh really?
chocolate made without cocoa butter can be good? Or maybe you don’t have the same sense of taste
Only a few contries in the world still make chocolate with 100% cocoa butter as it should be done (The main are France, Belgium and a few others countries).
Because of money problems, most of producers replace cocoa butter by vegetals oil or even mix it (this is must more cheaper for them, but the taste is… )
because of some f*****g peoples who want to make a universal taste at lower price (Chocolate lovers will know what I’m talking about ), chocolate is really becoming a food in danger…
Nono my friend … you’re wrong. At this very moment there are US chocolatiers that use the best ingredients, origin beans and cocoa butter only to make high quality chocolate …
Not that this is the best chocolate, but since I ate it as a kid, I’ve always loved the Ferrero Rochers. Make myself sick eating boxes of those. Along with Le Vache qui Rit cheese. mhmmm. Cheese. [insert Homer Simpson drool]
Btw, the OP could put in a poll indicating the people’s preferences for light or dark chocolate, and chocolate from which region/country. That would be interesting.
[quote=“Jack Burton”]Btw, the OP could put in a poll indicating the people’s preferences for light or dark chocolate, and chocolate from which region/country. That would be interesting.[/quote] Your ever obedient servant.
as with the ferrero rocher, le vache qui rit cheese is something I ate as a kid, so it’s ingrained even if it’s crap. FWIW, as an adult, I got to like Reblochon cheese a lot.
I was more talking about the ‘daily’ chocolates everyone eat. The one you can buy in supermarket for example.
After this is sure you’ll still find in most of places some chocolatiers produicing high quality chocolates, but at what price?
Edit: and when I see Hershey in the list I’m really…
[quote=“TheLostSwede”]Marabou from Sweden Ikea has it sometimes…
Well, most good quality European chocolate is good, not counting the UK and more eastern European countries here…
Sorry to say this but American chocolate sucks…[/quote]
I agree - Marabou is the best. Plain Milk, with nuts, crisp, orange or dark is good enough for me when it comes to Marabou!
Don’t know about american chocolate though, but I think the chocolate made in Taiwan is just awful…
I can eat M&M’s, Rittersport, Swiss made, Belgien made, danish made (Anton Berg, you rock!) or just any good smelthy 'late that just warm you up.
Forgot it, but there’s something about chocolate that stimulate the sexdrive in you??? Or maybe that’s just me
I think there should have been an “all of the above” choice. I love all chocolate equally. A friend of a friend’s daughter has a little workshop in Kaohsiung and puts together nice little baskets of dark/light/white/strawberry chocolate that I have to tell my wife to hide so I don’t make myself sick.