The Biden Presidency

It sounds like a pretty well thought out project, and importantly, the folks running the project and designing the curriculum seem very open to discussing criticisms of it. A bunch of snowflakes are awfully upset about how it doesn’t give a bullshit rah-rah America is always the best view of history though.

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"The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.

Well the last sentence of this from the Times page probably explains the knee-jerk rejection of it from said snowflakes.

Yep. I’ve had some “discussion” about it with some locals on nextdoor when the local school was considering, maybe, possibly using part of the curriculum. To a person, the critics hadn’t read any of the nyt material, or anything about the curriculum, but were just parroting RWNJ talking points.

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Sarcasm. I don’t really believe that race determines the content of a person’s character.

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I don’t either, but what does that have to do with the 1619 project? Or the Biden presidency for that matter?

Another virtue signal post:

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@cake I would like to see a list each candidate you believe would be proper/better cabinet choices, and why you believe they are the best choices.

If the schools teach this as well as they do other subjects, I’m sure we can look forward to the end of all racism in short order.


Not sure if this was said sarcastically–and I know not to me–but that’s the point yes. The ‘short order’ part probably not, but educating people about the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans seems like a good way to combat racism.

Or, maybe they will just have a more complete picture of history. What a crazy concept.

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I wait for your list too.
I would start from afresh. Fire everyone who is a politician. Background checks, the lot on any new candidates. Then hold fresh elections.
Problem is, the cancer is deep through every institution. Those carrying out background checks would be compromised - certainly from the top.
The USA is fucked either way.

I trust Biden to nominate good people for the right reasons. That is why I voted for him. I rarely vote Democrat, but I did this time. This kind of nonsense is why.

Regardless of record, past history of accomplishment, etc? Sounds like something straight out of the cultural revolution.

We just did, and look who won!


Cancel culture much?

The USA is not fucked. It is a great country emerging from 4 years of deep cynicism, hatred, and disinformation. I’m not sure where you are from, but I am from the U.S. and I’d appreciate it if you would stop making baseless accusations of my country’s political figures.

The disinformation like the kind you are peddling has caused immeasurable harm to the USA, so if you believe it is indeed fucked the best thing you could do – since you care about it, obviously-- would be to stop recklessly name calling our leaders.

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Triggered it seems.
Cancel culture? No. Cancel corruption. Politicians are not culture no matter how clown repeaters in the media try to paint it.
The Cultural Revolution is on its way. The target will be the 75+ million people with a different opinion to the corporatists.
You will probably not question it and many here who have the traits of Maoists and would be better suited living under the CCP, will welcome it.
Like I said, the USA is fucked. I just hope Taiwan isn’t on the list too,

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This is really not applicable to real life in the United States in any fashion. It sounds like some sort of video game plot.

You realize how easy and effortless your philosophical position of nihilism is right? The hard part is offering suggestions about how to improve things that are real, and you offer none of those. You can’t even direct anyone towards a list of authorities that you trust to come up with solutions, even if you have none yourself.

I think there’s a word for what you are doing, but I can’t quite come up with it now.

Good day.


Knock yourself out. Make sure you read the original version, the one that was so OOT that even the NYT had to water it down.

Sher, or sign up for that handgun safety course at the community college and go a different direction.

The 1619 project is a racist conspiracy theory whose key tenet is that racism is in the DNA of white people and their only hope for redemption is to admit that they’re morally inferior and submit to a lifetime of atonement. This supposedly is a radical solution which will finally expunge systemic racism from American society. Sadly, it instead merely perpetuates racism by reinforcing its key notion that the content of one’s character is determined by the color of their skin.



So… you haven’t read the nyt articles or looked at the curriculum either. Alright.