The Biden Presidency

The researchers found no changes in the speaking patterns of Mr. Bush, who is not known to have developed Alzheimer’s. But in Mr. Reagan’s speech, two measures — use of repetitive words, and substituting nonspecific terms like “thing” for specific nouns — increased toward the end of Mr. Reagan’s presidency, compared with its start. A third measure, his use of unique words, declined.

Reagan had all sorts of issues.

What did you think of Biden’s speech? How did he sound to you?

In the early stages of the onset of dementia the symptoms come and go. You know, the “thing.”

I apologize, I should have clarified.

What did you think of the contents of his speech, specifically his foreign policy ideas? I thought another poster summarized the speech very well, for your reference:

These ‘things’ above. All 5 of these look like things we’d both agree are good for the U.S. and the world to me. Do you agree?

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Biden is doing a good job overall so far. That doesn’t change the fact though that Reagan was 77 on his last day in office and Biden was 78 on his first day in office and he’s already showing more symptoms of cognitive decline than Reagan did while in office.


Good overall job so far is about what I’d say as well. It feels good to be able to say that.

Even if he’s just a puppet or in decline (any elderly person is to some degree), he’s still listening to the right people and making consistently good decisions.

We agree.

Seems so.

I don’t believe he is a puppet, or in serious decline. But many posters here do, so I’m acknowledging their stance.

I agree that he is doing a good job overall.

Edit: We agree he is doing a good job overall.

Seems he doesn’t know what he is signing, up to nearly 50 EO’s which apparently he said he doesn’t like Presidents doing because that makes them like a Dictator, yet he is leading the pack of Presidents who sign EO outnumbering them perhaps in combined total up till now.

Anyway, it’s the system back in charge, which is normal, it will be business as usual. An increase of suppression of wrongthink, but I think for those that act as an echo chamber for the MSM and ministry of truth over at Google, Twitter, Amazon and Facebook, that won’t be much of a problem.

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When the guy before you plays like Godzilla turning the entire nation into his own personal game of Rampage, it requires an exceptional amount of those to undo the damage. Biden has inherited several war time scenarios at once so complaining he’s using the means at his disposal to fix things is unproductive.

edit: FDR was criticized much in the same way but his New Deal saved the US economy, by the way.

Please tell me which of those EO’s you object to, I think they’re all positive for the country.

I sure hope so because massive unemployment is not good for a country.

I assume you mean Twitter, FB et al finally get rid of the BS. I’m ok with that.

This is far too abstract for what Americans are going through right now. Jobs, Covid, they want to travel again and have normal schools. Jobs, covid, fix the climate. Jobs, covid, fix the climate.

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Of course you are, you should check out the video I posted in Anon thread. It talks about 20% of the population which is highly suggestable. I posted in the QAnon thread because it applies to them, the pavlovian triggers may be different, in their case a cable of pedophiles and corrupt politicians being the bad guy.

But ask yourself, were you one of the people who laughed hysterically when Hunter Bidens laptop surfaced did you parrot the ministry of truth talking points “hahaha that is Russian disinformation Rudy Ghuallini pulled out of his butt” and what is the pavlovian trigger that is being used on this group, do you see Nazi’s everywhere? is White Supremacy the most urgent and critical agenda item, if so, you may ask yourself are you really so different from the QAon types, susceptible to suggestion but valuable as a political asset.

No I’ve been busy trying to survive COVID and keeping my family safe, trying to navigate a very tough labor market, real life things.

Again, abstract to say the least.

Yes, I’m very different from them. I don’t believe conspiracy theories.

That sounds like a fancy way to call people a name, sheep, brainwashed or whatever.

So no, I have nothing to do with them and I’m not anything like them. I think the topic is Biden so let’s stick to that.

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Same old same old, you never learn or try to understand, that video is 17 minutes long and you post within a minute.

Remember the movie Avatar when the high priestess tells the soldier we can’t teach your kind because they are already full they are unable to absorb or assimilate new information?

Something about that scene is awfully familiar. You have a good day, morning coffee time for me.

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I haven’t seen that, but I will check the film out. Thanks. Since we’re giving film recs, check out ZeroZeroZero. Good Crime series about a Turkish crime family set in Germany.

“Your kind” probably means something very different to you than it does to me, so let’s stick to referring to each other with proper forms of address, thanks.

Enjoy that coffee. While you’re out, take a deep breath and remind yourself you are in one of the very few places on earth that enjoy the relative degree of freedom you have to do so. All the coffee shops in my neighborhood have been closed for over a year now. So are the bars, since they can’t open past 10. So are all of our schools. They’ve been closed and the day care situation is really stressful for working parents.

So if you think this Q Anon Hunter Biden BS is what is gonna appeal to Americans, or speaks to their reality–you know less about our country than I assumed.


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I was quoting from memory from Avatar, not meant you personally, but the blue Avatar guy she was talking to, she was telling him they tried to teach his kind before and it was like they had a 3 foot thick cranium and nothing got threw, I mentioned in the post I had a feeling of familiarity.

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Thanks for the rec, in any case. I mean what I said about appreciate your freedom of movement there. It’s a big deal at this point. God bless TW.

yurp. Completely disingenuous poster. Now…


That’s 3 content free personal attacks in a day. Do you not tire of yourself?

QAnon and anyone that followed the movement is all over the news, like the woman congresswoman, which is why understanding what makes such people tick is interesting, I would suggest Trump was aware of the susceptible 20% and is why he didn’t come out in any particular way against them.

I also am suggesting, it’s not just them who are susceptible, some on the left may ask themselves what pavlovian triggers do the left use.

Finally and as in interesting tit bit, the imagery used to describe a society completely susceptible 10 min mark, with the eye of sauron in the background is how some Conservative sites have been increasingly referring to Washington.

That comparison has been an ongoing theme for years now.

So, you admit you fear my stamina? I’m glad we agree on something. Thanks for shopping!