The Biden Taiwan & China Thread

We’ll see if he has it in him at 78. :joy:

HK was a colonial territory. This is a fact.

Another fact was that all of the power stations and utility were in the NT. You can’t run HK without the NY

Another fact is that HK water comes from Guangdong. Deng didn’t have to start a war, he just needed to turn off the taps

There was no possibility of UK keeping HK

He won’t, they won’t. Taiwan is now on borrowed time.

There’s a reason why every business and airline refer to Taiwan as “Taiwan, China” in their country lists.

Because of Joe Biden?

No they don’t say Taiwan ROC in their country lists.

They say ‘Taiwan, China’ Because of China, and it was on Trump’s watch.

Sorry, I meant “Taiwan, China”.

Yes, they did it on Trump’s watch. But it was a global thing, beyond Trump’s jurisdiction.

I’ve always advocated to my MP to ban foreign state censorship.


I thnk you will find 2021 will constitute a very different world than even recent history. No chance of a China rapprochement any time soon, unless CCCP radically changes policy.

Time pushing for dovishness.

We need to be cordial, wave a white flag and cooperate more. :roll_eyes:

China has been gearing up for war for 30 years. They have stolen technology, secured their borders, expanded their navy, and are prepping for war on 3-fronts – SCS , India-to-Kazak region , and Cyberspace. They are building a huge rail now into the Tibet region, possibly for quick troop deployments once things become unstable.

The main reason China began brainwashing, genocide, cultural destruction of the Uyghur population is this, as stated by Beijing Generals: America has the capability to arm 12 Million Uyghurs and unleash them on Beijing. CCP saw what the US did with Afghanistan to defeat the Russians - and they know 100% the US would do the same with the Uyghurs to defeat PLA forces in the region.

Also keep in mind, China is in a very very bad position – by 2035, 89% of oil will be imported — but only if they can achieve their ambitious Belt Road Initiative. If China fails, they will be in a very bad position in terms of having 1.4 Billion person economy, and nowhere near enough resources. For this reason I see no “relaxing” of China’s policy positions. In the media things will appear calmer, but in the backend, probably everything will become more frantic.

The Good news is both Democrats and Republicans are aware of this. Regardless of the career politicians that have been bleeding the bull dry, they see now that the time of China money opportunities is transitioning. All efforts to convince China into a Democracy have failed and in fact moved China further towards Communist authoritarian government.

Now China aside, North Korea is a bigger concern in the short term – similar to how they say a baby rattlesnake can be more deadly than an adult. China, the adult, is more calculating and strategic with proportionate response – NK the “baby” is less so, more likely to have an emotional lashing out with disproportionate and more deadly response.

Wild Cards to keep eye on:
Iran/Venezuela: Oil producing countries that want Nuclear Power tech with help of China and Germany - but their governments are sanctioned by the US. Very concerning that US sanctions have not halted tanker activity and has started a trend of “turned-off transponders” on oil tankers so they can’t be tracked. Considering how China armed Syria to destabilize the region and flood Europe with refugees during the Syrian Refugee Crisis, there is potential that China is arming Venezuela and Iran using the return trips on oil tankers.

Russia - Are they secret allies with US? China? Anyone? or Nobody? There is speculation the Russian Bounties was to “remind” of narrative that US and Russia are enemies so China can feel “at ease” with Russia on it’s border.

Pakistan - Nuclear power that aligns with China and against India - not good

Turkey - decades of weapons sanctions since the 1970’s Turkish Invasion of Cyprus has led to Turkey developing their own vast weapons systems and have become a formidable force in the Mediterranean. Talk of “restoring the ottoman empire” is pretty concerning – will Turkish military support China’s BRI expansion in the region?

Now here comes Biden - he’s a politician - he keeps his options open. With a Bipartisan Congress behind him in terms of China Policy, and the Taiwan and Taipei ACT in place - we have to be optimistic. He did congratulate President Tsai without fearing what China would say – that’s a good baby step in the right direction.

If President Tsai calls Biden to congratulate him, will Biden answer?
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Arm them from where? The only countries that border on Xinjiang are Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgizstan and Tajikistan, and a tiny chunk of Pakistan. Which one is going to set up the base for the U.S. to arm from?
Twelve million Uighurs is the the total population- are you envisioning babies with AKs, saying “die Commie scum!”
That’s why the whole Tibetan/Uighur/Mongolian repression is such a stupid move by Beijing- precisely because they are not a threat.

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Now you realize why the Ladahk is important.

Ladakh is Indian territory (I know-I’ve been there). I don’t think India is going to let America use its territory to arm a few million Muslims against China.
Plus Ladakh is some of the most barren territory on Earth and has no transportation connections unless you first take the Kashgar-Lhasa road, which I think the PLA might object to- if you reach it. And get the weapons into Leh, which the Chinese might also notice.
P.S. The Srinagar-Leh highway is also pretty hard to drive.

You know better than me on this - but I do know Beijing Generals stated this as a concern on video which I can’t find on the internet at the moment - as to how the US might actually approach doing that, aside from Ladakh I don’t see another way (India might help the US if there is a good enough quid pro quo). The US would have to cozy up with Kazakhstan probably if that didn’t work out with India.

Of note though, in the past, the US and British used the Burma Road, which was built to transport supplies to China to help defeat the Japanese in WWII. Burma (Myanmar) was under British control though, much easier prospect. But of course, Burma is geographically nowhere near Xinjiang, so the Burma route would probably be used for a different effort if a war broke out again.

Pure fantasy land, these “Beijing generals” must have been on drugs, if they would not be risking a death sentence. There is no interest from the US perspective, or even if there was, no practical way of arming a such a remote region, and even if they did it would have only negligible effect.

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I’m not necessarily endorsing Biden, but what a lot of people fail to take into account is… It’s not 2009.

We’re in a different time now and it’s foolish to assume it’ll be the same. China’s in the public perception more than ever as a belligerent force. Opinion polls of China have never been lower. The Pandemic is China’s fault. Increased bitpartisanship against China and Taiwan’s global profile has never been higher. In 2009, we also had Ma Ying Jeou slowly selling the country to China and practically endorsing Obama’s reluctance to defend Taiwan when Taiwan’s politicians at the time were not even defending Taiwan. We forget that those times also meant that when Chinese officials visited here, we pulled down all the flags and imagery to feed their egos while also rolling the red carpet.

Not saying I think Joe is going to be heaven. But we can’t pick and choose variables. We should look at the whole picture and hopefully he will too and hopefully he will defend Taiwan’s democracy too.

At least we can say that there really is no excuse this time to feign ignorance on China’s behaviour. Since there will be a new president, continue holding our politicians in all of our countries accountable. I can assure you I harass my MP about Taiwan.