The CIA’s Very Own Thread

I’m a fan of the CIA. World order don’t come cheap. I read this a while back and recommend it to the serious minded skeptic.


That said, former CIA guys are usually full of partisan shit. In that vein, and to properly introduce the newest leak from our side:

LARRY JOHNSON: Some are embarrassed and horrified by it, but the strategy that is underway is the information was leaked for [a purpose], to prepare the U.S. public for the crash landing that’s going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy. The crash landing in Ukraine, in China, the fact we’re already seeing elements–

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Are you saying this was a controlled leak?


The people whining about U.S. interference in everybody’s business are getting their wish? I don’t want to see a world without the U.S. nosing around.

The idea it was a controlled leak must have occurred to everyone as a possibility off the bat, for variety of reasons.

But if we are to do a sanity check on that theory, they seem to have arrested the guy leaking the documents and it seems like he is going to be locked up for a very long time, if he were part of some controlled leak, how do you convince someone to do that?

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:roll_eyes: If it was and he knew, he wouldn’t be able to say. Nor would he have any idea what the guardsman actually had access to (and him being on tdy is irrelevant), but supposedly this information came off jwics where he provided tech support. If the info was on jwics and that was his role, that doesn’t seem vaguely suspicious.

Yea do they just find out who they want to throw under the bus and have him do a controlled leak? How does that work?

Or does he go to prison and “die” like Epstein?


Just plant it in his head that it’s no big deal if some of it gets out because everybody’s doing it.

Petraeus, a former CIA director and Army general, kept “vast quantities” of what he knew was highly classified information in eight notebooks hidden in his home, deliberately gave some of that material to his mistress and “lied about it” all to the FBI, Comey said.

“So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information. He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do,” Comey said, noting that Petraeus was ultimately prosecuted for a misdemeanor.

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Exactly they wouldn’t be running around panicking over it much less catching anyone. The info would just be out there and that would be it. 100%. And I really doubt it would be released on a Minecraft Discord thread of all places, that squares more with this psycho incel they caught.

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What was the blackmail? That he put on a shitton of weight since his boot camp graduation picture was taken? My bet is lone wolf with way too much access way too early in his career and a desperate need for attention.


My guess too, some are calling him a whistleblower, except whistleblowers reach out to places like the New York Times rather than try to impress a small group on Discord where I think he might have thought it would never blow up in the way it did.

This came up a while ago.

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No. Just an asshole.

But clearly, something needs to be done to ensure any docs that are viewed and or copied or downloaded are marked as such. How fucking hard can it be to secure secret documents? And maybe just maybe we shouldn’t classify anything that doesn’t need to be. Then you wouldn’t need so many dipshits to work in and around them.

It’s pretty freaking hard. Whatcha gonna do, search everyone going in and out of a closed area?

That’s the rule (although there’s metric shitton of over classification - it’s just easier just to slap markings on everything in a closed area).

I was thinking more of something electronic. Like hey boss, Joe has been looking around tanks and he doesn’t work with tanks. :idunno:

Everything on classified networks is monitored and regularly audited. The rub is, if they have access, they’ve been deemed to have a need to know already, so… now what?

Bring in the AI. Clearly the human desire to impress fan bois is too high.

To be clear, my feeling is also that he is just a stupid child who doesn’t have any friends and lacks self confidence and just screwed over a lot of people and a large portion of the war effort to look cool.

But I’m saying blackmail is how they’d convince him to do such a thing, if this is some scheme (which I doubt)

I don’t think the damage was all that. Oh no, the US is spying on the UN? No shit. lol

This guy needs to made an example of. Speedy and fair trial.

Send a message. My hope is that someone in the CIA or NSA knew what was going in that chat room and was the one who released it to larger more public groups. However, I doubt that that stuff happens. That’s why I don’t hope for stuff . :bowing:

The problem isn’t releasing the information on the documents. The problem is letting Russia know what specific intelligence the US had on them, which compromises the networks in place for spying on them.

That cuts both ways. The Chinese hate it when they find out how much we know about their inner workings. That’s why alphabet people dump documents. To say, “This is how deep we’re in the know.”

The Russians probably hate it more. That we spy isn’t a big story.