The Coffee Thread

Best of both worlds: Fellow Carter
A bit inconvenient, but works well.

Plastic bag or hard plastic bowl, whether hard or soft, it is still leaching something into its contents.

I have those…for soup!

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Readers, see if you can get a hold of Mocca’s latest batch in the brown 2lb bag, labelled “Supreme Blend - Roasted beans”. The batch has expiry 2021-11-09. It is like liquid dark chocolate, no bitterness or smokiness, to my palate. I think this would go perfectly in a stovetop, but I’m drinking it as filter and it is very pleasing. No jasmine flowers here though. For those who like big body…

Sold at Carrefour.


This one?



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Two pounds! Doesn’t this get stale before you can finish the bag?

Or maybe you guys drink even more coffee than I do… :grin:


It’s worrying that you think that’s a lot! How much (or how little…) coffee do you normally drink? :grin:

I buy three 1-lb bags of beans about every three weeks, so about a pound a week, not including the drip coffee sachets I sometimes drink in the evenings…

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I drink my share of coffee (too much I think) BUT I also know that

a) dark roast beans get stale fast
b) large quantities will get stale eventually
c) North Taiwan and its high humidity is not idea for long-term storage of opened foods

So I buy smaller amounts (a few hundred grams max) and try to keep things as fresh as I can.



It does get stale quite quickly as you say. Offloading part of it to someone can help.

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The first few pots of coffee though must be delicious.



It actually puzzles me why they are sold in such a large bag. Given so many other things here are in tiny packages. Here, for once, it is welcomed, I would pay the bigger margin for the smaller packet.

Maybe the roaster of these beans’ main business is supplying cafes, and they just dump excess stock onto retail, without much of a marketing plan to speak of.

I dunno - I feel like it would take me maybe 2 weeks to finish the bag and going stale wouldn’t be an issue, as long as it’s closed in between pouring some beans into the grinder every day or two. I couldn’t really be bothered having to remember to buy coffee beans twice a week anyway, tbh. :slight_smile:

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I probably drink about 900-1000g per month. But I’m the only coffee drinker.

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You have successfully replaced all Oxygen in your blood with Caffeine.


Yes yes drink more coffee…let it flow…buahahaha!




I had a look at the small pour-over packets I use when I’m lazy. They contain 8g of coffee each. If consumed in this form, this average pace of consumption (let’s call it 950g) would yield just over 118 cups of coffee per month, around 3.8 cups per day.

That sounds about right. :upside_down_face:


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I drink about two coffees a day (sometimes three). My brewed coffee is about 250ml, and my espresso is about 30ml. I use 15.5g of coffee for brewed coffee and 15g for espresso. The Taiwanese like small (and weak) cups of coffee, so those little pourover packets are usually designed for 150-190ml cups. They’re okay if you’re traveling or if you want coffee at work.

With your 1kg per month and a caffeine content of 0.8% per strongly brewed cup you are ingesting 8g of caffeine per month. In a year you will have consumed the equivalent of three chocolate bars of pure Caffeine.

Just having fun. I drink both tea and coffee so I’m probably in the ballpark. Tea has roughly half the volume of caffeine per cup but good quality loose leaf and multiple brews will bring up the amount of caffeine consumed significantly.

With tea you get the benefit of antioxidants such as catechins in green tea and theaflavins in black tea. I’m hazy about coffee.