The Coffee Thread


Oh I see the photos. That foam on top, the color of the coffee…oh yes, that’s the good stuff. :+1:

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Based on the reviews, it seems they also have a reputation for importing and roasting some Blue Mountain coffee—usually priced to the moon!


Well, they had a big coffee bag outside at the entrance, they have the equipment onsite, but for a normal americano 40$, maybe if u get the fancy one it will cost more, just wanted to try the standard one first.

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I also like NANFE coffee one store in Kaoshuing and I think one in Taipei, Taiwan small roaster. The people doing the cooking trained in Europe.

Folks from Vancouver hit the streets of Taipei to check out some of this city’s most celebrated coffee shops. If forumosans are interested, their impressionistic, well, impressions are below.


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Nah, I’m good. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I thought it’d be some reviews or ratings or something, but it’s just a few photos of several coffee shops…?

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Yes a little more detail in those “reviews” would have helped wouldn’t it. :neutral_face:


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7.5 weeks and four kilograms of coffee beans later, and I’ve just opened the last 250-gram bag of these. :cry:

Some of them were really good! Looks like I’ll need to take another trip back to Thailand soon to restock (I’m thinking April, if I can manage it).


How does the taste of the best of this lot compare to the stuff OKLao sells (grown in Laos, roasted in Taiwan)?


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I’m more of a functional coffee drinker (/caffeine addict with poor sleeping habits) than an aficionado able to give flowery descriptions of the various flavor notes, because I can’t really discern them, but it was nice to have something different.

The one in the top right was really good and probably my favorite. Apparently it’s chocolatey and floral, but like I said I can’t speak much to that. The beans were unusually small and it tasted great, and that’s about as deep as an analysis I’m able to provide. :man_shrugging: Will be buying more next time anyway!

Will need to do an Oklao run at some point in the next 3-4 days, I guess, which is also fine. As long as it’s dark, strong, and not too expensive, it’ll do the job of dragging me into consciousness each day. :upside_down_face:


This is most of the battle isn’t it. It helps if the beans and brew smell good too.


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The “Sop Moei” one in the middle was kind of disappointing actually. It was the only really “premium” one I bought, by which I mean a small bag and relatively high price. It smelled great in the shop after it had just been roasted, but when I got it home, ground it, and put it in the moka pot I found it pretty flavorless and nothing special.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I should probably have experimented with using it for drip coffee or something instead, but it’s too late now. I ended up just mixing it with the other beans or using it for those midnight coffees when I don’t want too much caffeine. :sweat_smile:

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Finally got myself to try the City Prima coffee at 7-11.

Very decent coffee, nice body and lasting taste, no burnt or acidic notes at all.

Is it worth the price premium over the regular at 80$ for a medium americano? Maybe not.

Is it as good as, or even better given the proce point than, a 50$ cup from an indipendent small joint? Absolutely not.

However, if u r in a rush or in an area u don’t know and there is a 7-11 with City prima offering, than it’s a safe choice for a decent coffee.


I tried some today. I noticed a sign saying the beans for today were Yirgacheffe. So maybe they rotate them out? It tasted great, will drink again.

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today I tried the Family Mart specialty coffee, and oh boy, that was very good. Much better than 7-11 one imho.

Very full body and taste, not burnt, long lasting. Might be really worth 80$, for sure worth the price premium over the regular since Famima regular one is worse than 7-11.

Would I go to get this at famima vs my usual 50$ at Wilbeck? Not really, the value at the coffee shop much better.

Would I get this when around? If I don’t know any other better/cheaper option for this quality, this will be my safe choice got to. Very impressed.

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If someone go or is in keelung
Go here for a good black coffee


Does the Family Mart specialty coffee just come out of the Super Automatic like all the others? I was thinking how funny it would be if Family started making the staff do pourovers while juggling parcels and payments and coupons galore from customers.


always from the very same machines they use to make the regular. They just have 2 separate containers on top, one with the normal and one with the fancy beans.