The Coffee Thread

I am DEFINITELY going.

Is that that super thick Spanish hot chocolate?

ColaCao is a sugary cacao powder. It is not easily soluble in milk (not even hot milk), but mixed it right (it has a proper technique) it is much better than Nesquik. Sadly, I am too old and too conscious about sugar to drink that oftenly. ColaCao Turbo is the soluble version of it (like Nesquik). ColaCao cacao puro I guess it´s just more or less pure cocoa powder.

I am just praying so hard they have Campurrianas cookies from that brand: Cuétara. Although the María and Napolitanas cookies are already worthy to pay them a visit.

This is what you want:

Edit: but you can do thick chocolate drink (perfect for churros) with bakery chocolate. I use the dark one from this brand and it is quite good and easy to prepare:

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We only have all the colacao products but for now we do not have the cookies since the importer stopped bringing them due to lack of interest from Taiwanese in general in cookies.

When coffee and geopolitics collide.

For what it’s worth, I can still find some decent Nicaraguan beans around even after the diplomatic split.



There is a coffee market on April 15 and 16 from14:00 to 21:00 at the north lawn of the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts:

Just saw a Cama branch on Roosevelt Road being demolished while a new Starbucks is being built not far down the road. This will be the second Starbucks in that section. I’ve seen a lot of smaller coffee places closing down recently. Is Starbucks winning the coffee war right now, I wonder.


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I tried to go to the park that day it was insanely busy and gave up.

As for Starbucks yeah there are still a lot of outlets. Some of them are pretty nice and big to be fair with their standalone buildings. Rent is extremely expensive in Taipei so always a challenge there.

Louisa has some decent ones but they just renovate the buildings.

Down south Donutes has some nice locations including some heritage type places. Their coffee is better than 85C but worse than some other chains. They even serve Mojitos in this place.

Newish player on the block seems to be Min.D coffee chain. Decent, basically an upgraded version of Louisa. Better food. Fancier presentation. Simpler drinks menu. Would it be called 3rd wave coffee? Higher price point too. Very popular outlets.

Louisa has stores everywhere but noticed a couple snaller ones shut down, they probably reached peak Louisa a while back.

Wish the Dreamers chain in Taipei would open more stores across the island, that place is nicccceee.

Best ‘chain’ I’ve seen locally is Caffaina. That play is fancy. Their desserts are excellent. @afterspivak You know it? Kaohsiung Cultural Park.


Cama shops are probably too small in size to compete. It’s either cheap convenience store coffee to go or a place where you can sit down and pretend to work on your laptop.

Glad my Two Shots branch is still operating. They haven’t changed their prices while all others have. Probably a good decision.

I avoid Louisa and Starbucks and try to support the smaller players.


My money is on Louisa, which is currently demolishing the competition.


Was at MOS cafe today, can see the park and cafe out the MOS window. MOS has become expensive $504 for lunch for two with coffee and green tea for my co worker and burger meal.

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Just out of curiosity went to check out one of the 2 automated branches of 7-11 in Taipei (called 7-eleven X) where they also have the luxury !+? Café reserve (which is actually staffed). Got an ice medium americano with their special Cupping blend. 70$.

It was very decent, light and refreshing and somehow cheaper than the usual care prima specialty coffees u can now find at many branches.

If anyone happens to be near either the xinyi or the gongguan branch, it is a nice experience to try once

I seem to remember reading (in this thread? elsewhere?) about Family Mart’s Premium Coffee shops in selected locations. I’ve tried to spot them, but without success. Does anyone have details about where they are?


If you mean the 單品 coffee of let’s cafe, many family marts have them. You can spot the machines since they have a feeder only for the premium beans like 7-11 for the premia coffees.

If you mean the super fancy family mart café charging you more than 100 bucks, I remember it was like somewhere in downtown Taipei

That’s the one I am looking for—without luck so far.


Should be here

Let’s Café PLUS-中山店
02 2581 7356

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Recommend to give a try:
Helen Coffee, near Taipei Main station

We received a free taster ice-coffee Kenya beans, fermented I think, very very special, I never had anything like it. I then had Yirgacheffe single-origin hot coffee NTD350, I very much enjoyed it.

The place has a nice atmosphere.


I guess you mean this one:

02 2388 4229

In other news, I just bought spices from the Indian shop, including cardamom. Will put it in my coffee tomorrow. :yum:


IHerb used to carry a premade mix for coffee like that, chai coffee I think it was called. It is nicer to mix to one’s own taste.

The only thing I look forward in summer is cold coffee. Spiced, not spiced, with cream or not, with milk or not, whatever. Just add a lot of ice.