The "Cooneyites"

I grew up in the Two-by-two church (literally). I haven’t been to one of their meetings in ages though. Because of their beliefs they do not use TVs and most probably computers too. As a result they have no voice in cyberspace. The only sites I’ve found denounce them as a cult. I would like to know if anybody has run into some of them in Taiwan. Here are some of their characteristics.

Sounds like a religion a college buddy of mine is a member of. They don’t meet in churches, but instead in the homes of their members, and they have conventions that they attend. I went with him to one of these conventions (for anthropological purposes only - observing different cultures!). It was in Texas. I remember many of the women wore frumpy dresses and wore their hair in pompadour style. Part of the meeting involved people standing up to give testimonials. I remember they served a very tasty lunch. They called themselves “The Way” or “Nondenominational Church”. My friend grew up in a home with no TV, but he did have a computer way back in the mid 80s and was on the Net (Prodigy) in the late 80s.

Haven’t come across any here in Taiwan.

Sounds like a religion a college buddy of mine is a member of. They don’t meet in churches, but instead in the homes of their members, and they have conventions that they attend. I went with him to one of these conventions (for anthropological purposes only - observing different cultures!). It was in Texas. I remember many of the women wore frumpy dresses and wore their hair in pompadour style. Part of the meeting involved people standing up to give testimonials. I remember they served a very tasty lunch. They called themselves “The Way” or “Nondenominational Church”. My friend grew up in a home with no TV, but he did have a computer way back in the mid 80s and was on the Net (Prodigy) in the late 80s.

Haven’t come across any here in Taiwan.[/quote]

That was most probably one of the churches I spoke of. We did call it “The Way” and the members “the Friends”. They used to make the best stew ever. One thing I’m concerned about is their well-being. They have no source of income.

So basically, a Cooneyite is something like an urban Amish?

Exactly. Although names have been given to them, they have never called themselves “Cooneyites” or “Black Stockings” or any other name except names that appear in the Bible. There were things that were forbidden. TV, magazines, and anything that seemed to have a corrupting influence were not allowed. Women couldn’t cut there hair short and that’s why many of them wore their hair in a bun.

The dress code was very plain with the intention of not distracting the congregation from the purpose of the meeting.
No money was supposed to be handled on Sunday, not even for thithes. in fact tithes were never taken. Any money given to the workers was given in secret so as not to make a show of charity.

This link sounds the most unbiased of the ones I’ve seen: