The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

So, it hasn’t happened yet.

So, it has happened, like 85% or something. There’s no way out. We’re doomed. Doomed! :runaway:

If they’re practically perfect, why haven’t they practically succeeded in wiping out dissent? (I suppose you’ll say they have, and the folks in this thread are the last holdouts, or something…)

People are working towards different goals, sometimes openly, sometimes not openly but knowingly, sometimes unknowingly. I don’t see “politicians” (or “government”) as a unified entity. So if you want to measure a politician’s competence, you need to ask, what is the person actually trying to achieve? And as we all know, the top priority is usually getting reelected, which makes the evaluation of success wrt other priorities debatable.

If we go with your theory that the goal of all politicians (or ~99% of them because the rest are about to get assassinated) is to turn all of humanity into slaves ASAP by way of coronamania, and the brainwashing tools are practically perfect, then it depends on what the definition of enslavement is. But with the extent of dissent regarding vaccines and lockdowns, obviously you need to set the bar quite low if you want to say this supposedly unified political entity is competent.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I think we have different definitions of upfront, but that would be for another discussion.

So ~99% of them are not evil geniuses after all, just hopelessly naive idealists? And they’re not focussed on getting reelected? Or they are but only for naively altruistic reasons?

Yes, but not to the extent that I have trouble believing it’s real.

No, because (1) they’re not speaking with one voice, and (2) of course there’s a lot of nonsense being spoken – there bloody always is. :cactus: