The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

Nah, don’t have time. And I never said I like these newfangled web thingies, just that they have not wiped out anything.

They do contribute to polarization in general, but what would you do about that? Regulate them? (Gasp!) Get some virtual clipboard holders to go and hassle them? (Cue scary music and mention of socialist death spiral…)

Ask any leader of a country where marching in the street promptly and consistently gets people arrested and tortured.

Yes, well, that is stupid, but Taiwan is not the whole world. :desert_island: Why hasn’t this been made compulsory everywhere, since all the politicians on the planet are singing from the same hymn sheet and so on?

Early on, there was an effort by some in the private sector (I’m not speaking of Taiwan now) to refuse to take cash, but it didn’t stick, because too many people refused to go along with it. They didn’t even need to march in the street, just to say nope I only have cash and if I can’t use cash then I can’t shop here. Now it’s like it never happened at all.

I will cherish this moment forever! :kissing_heart: :rainbow:

It’s not a perfect description, hence the “kind of like”.

He definitely wanted chaos towards the end, because he wanted an excuse to declare martial law and so on. But all that general chaos caused by his conventional incompetence? No, I don’t buy that it was part of his master plan all along. (Cue covfefe.)

Why are you so in love with absolutism?

Cue Doom Paul! Or this:

homer 250px-The_End_is_Near_50th_Anniversary_Edition

Yes, that phenomenon in general is nothing new. Hence politician after politician touting Family Values™ while practicing another sort of thing, or going to church the same way a married couple who can’t stand each other continue to sleep in the same bed, or toeing the line on relations with this or that country while privately hoping this or that country goes to Hell… and now going on vacation while telling everyone else to stay home. I don’t see any most of the politicking around Covid as an innovation.*

You may recall, of course, that Family Values™ don’t have the kind of pull they used to have, or that the taboo of D-I-V-O-R-C-E has lost much of its power while many atheists and agnostics have come out of the closet, or this or that country’s influence has waned somewhat (“what goes up…”), and so on. Covid is still the Next Big Thing, for now, but there’s always another Next Big Thing waiting in the wings.

Experienced politicians tend to understand this and to choose their words carefully and even use stalking horses to gather the dissident vote, on any issue. They’re still at the mercy of the electorate, and they still take advice from electoral analysts.

It depends. After the 2014 coup, it took the big potatoes of Thailand five years of “election next year!” to feel safe enough to go through the motions again. In the West, people are constantly getting duped by the whole system in general, but it still functions well enough to be worth continuing with until humans come up with something better. (Cue Churchill.)

Almost never. :idunno:

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, no?

For me, this boils down to two memes:

chicken little sky is falling


windmill or no windmill

ETA: The politicking varies by jurisdiction, of course. Compulsory contact tracing for supermarkets – who came up with that anyway? Politicians or private sector? I’m not following Australian politics or even Taiwanese politics much these days. When Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people, he’s being just as irresponsible as the people on the other side who tacitly endorse violence against any other group, whether he intended it that way or not. But most of the politicking is just business as usual to me. :2cents: