The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

I’m here, just busy with other stuff at the moment.

I find it baffling that the organisations responsible for data collection are not adding context to the instances of injury and death that they collect. When someone dies of COVID, there should be some clear indication of contributory factors in the record of that event. We could then easily ascertain which people died of nothing but COVID, which people died of something else (but were finished off by COVID) and which people were in the grey area in the middle. That information ought to be on the pretty charts that Google feeds the public. Apart from anything else, we need this numbers to reliably determine if the vaccines are working, and for whom … or if they’re making things worse.

The same thing could/should apply to vaccine injury and death. Clearly, there is such a thing as a “coincidental death” - which in any individual case might be a function of age, chronic illness, and luck. Statistical techniques, and attention to the apparent mode of death, can ascertain the likelihood of vaccination being a contributory cause even in the absence of known mechanisms.

The only conclusion I can draw is that the FUD is deliberate. The proposition that the data-collectors don’t know their business is completely preposterous.

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The Israeli video has been taken down for … uh, criticizing the Israel gov’t? Who knows?

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Still trying to find where such data can be found. Seems strange its so hard to find.

I have found this.

Till june, 49 deaths after AZ.

I am trying to access this site, but it always times out on me.

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Interesting list of adverse reactions here.
Extraordinary long list.
Type in the same as below and click away.

It’s like John Hopkins had a crystal ball when they did this in 2017. Imagine that:

This was unexpected.

Oh, well that fixes everything I suppose! :rainbow:


I might as well point out, again, that the “for more than a year and a half” part is quite the understatement.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

Still confused why its so hard to get numbers of deaths post vaccine. They nearly advertise the numbers on busses if its covid deats. The 800 plus number i am starting to call bullshit on now until something credible is found (aka. Not facebook memes and tabloids).

It was like 650 1 month ago in a focustaiwan article - so I guess the 850 now are plausible. However I think it is death with vaccine (if no other cause found) - same method as death with coronavirus. So it’s death within 30 days from receiving a vaccination.

It’s about what you would expect given the experience in other countries.

At a similar vax level (a few months ago) the US was reporting 12,000 deaths. Scale up the Taiwan number and you get about 10,000.

US VAERS reporting and the Taiwan version are done in a similar manner: the event is reported if a doctor thinks there’s something worth reporting. So although the numbers may include a lot of coincidental deaths (the average doctor doesn’t have any means of screening them out) they will also miss an unknown number of others. In short, the number of deaths definitively due to COVID vaccines is unknown, because nobody thinks it’s worth measuring. The data that is available is horribly obscured by noise … again, of unknown magnitude.


Taiwan has given over 15 million doses—you really think it’s impossible for 800 of those people to have died? When you yourself know a person that died here?

Let’s say you do find the official number (which doesn’t exist publicly, as we’ve explained, they stopped counting in August), then what? What’s your next question? Are you worried about taking the vaccine yourself?

Lol, no guys. Read my posts. I am asking for a source of said data. No one has provided a credible source for said numbers. I think those numbers may well be plausible (obviously), but i cant say shit till i see some data better than a meme. Frankly no one ought to…by the way, i am at 2 friends dead after the vaccine as of this week. So im not just joking around, but i am also not going to join the bandwagon without facts or at the very minimum sources.

As per this conversation, i think the VEARS stats for Taiwan are more relevant at this time. I am having a really hard time finding this info. even the news articles here dont provide meaningful referrences for their numbers…so…?

Those charts were provided on tv and many news sites here. It also includes the breakdown of adverse events. So it came from some official source (up until August at least, when it was regularly reported).

Why do you think it’s a meme?

By August, the deaths were up to ~650. Now it’s at 850 after millions of more doses. That falls within the expected range.

Are you looking at the CDC website for Taiwan? They might have something.

Let’s pretend the official and 100% guaranteed-to-be-caused-by-the-vaccine number is 500. Now what?

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Great, so where can we find these numbers? Memes/tabloids/news etc all the same. Id thy have a referrence, all good. Most dont, and didnt see any with thise posted. These types of things must have data that is backed by some form of responsible body. TV news in taiwan is not such responsible body, but i am more than interested in their sources (which i cant find).

People seem to always assume people are coming from the conclusion working backwards. What i am saying is we need real data to work forward. This is very basic common sense if we are to make arguments towards a certain thing. Not just random meems/pictres without any source or data proving it. Otherwise we just become fox, cnn or tvbs a it seems. Not good…

In fact, this is likely the reason we have all these global problems now, idiots. Non factual fear mongering on all sides without any clear, honest factual conversation.

So,by chance, do you have any referrence for your 800 number? Im not confronting you, i am genuinely asking for some data because i have my own personal reasons i want to use it but all the internet gossip so far seems basically just gibberish without some form of data behind it. I cant go forward with that as i would look as dumb as the CKMT if i did.

The fact no one has a source can only make more people question the data…same goes for anything, bust especially this hot topic. Try to understand, i am only trying to find recorded actual information…but not random internet opinions.

Edit. @finley same. Its fine to have opinions, i share many of both of yours. But where can we draw any numbers from? If its pure speculation lets just be open about it.

We already told you that the data no longer publicly exists. They stopped counting.

Unless you work at the CECC or you’re the president, we don’t know right now.

I don’t have an official source. I only have the story and old chart I posted above. No one does that I know of. Yes, it’s all speculation right now.

Back when the numbers were actively reported, I didn’t search for where it was coming from. May be hard to figure out now with the data being suppressed.

The best we can do is cross reference the numbers we’re given right now against deaths in other countries.

So yes, for now, assume it’s all speculation.


There is no data. We already explained to you. Nobody is collecting it. It doesn’t exist.

We’re just quoting what little official data is out there, and as you’re well aware, it’s virtually useless.

Conclude from that what you will.

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Yet another example of the elite gophers laughing at the useless eaters (and those that scorn those fellow useless eaters that don’t) that need to follow ‘rules’:


Fify. :slightly_smiling_face:

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So … basically, the required data are not available. Instead, we’re being fobbed off with another vast edifice of cargo-cult science and being told that ackchually it’s a rigorous clinical trial that proves the vaccines are safe.

As @Explant implied, this is beyond frustrating and is probably the reason that society is now split into ‘anti-vaxers’ and ‘pro-vaxers’. In the absence of hard data, people make up their own stories.

And since that was entirely predictable (at least for those governments that have a team of psychologists giving them advice), I’m inclined to assume that it was intentional.

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