The Don's Deleterious Monkey Wrench Thread

You = general you. The GOP/Conservatives. I don’t really get what they stand for other than tax cuts. Limited government is not a platform so they are leaning more heavily into culture war/owning the libs crap.

I was talking about the GOP. Trump was a nut job. For the sake of the country, stability, we need someone normal. The GOP doesn’t have many left.

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I hear you. Thanks for the. Latino action. Ha or the clarification if my phone works properly. :laughing:

As of yet, unknown. As I said first, I expect someone to come to the fore. Who was expecting Bernie in 2016?

No, it’s just kind of a dick thing to say, whether you like him or not.

Meh, what’s the big deal? He has an eye patch.

I mean, calling a friend fattie face would be being a dick, even if they were fat and you liked them, right? Something being factual doesn’t make you not being a dick when you refer to a person that way.

It seems different. What’s wrong with having an eye patch? It just seems like a unique aspect of his appearance.

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Aren’t you part Taiwanese? C’mon…

There are a few, none that are any more electable than say DeSantis.

You’d have hated my college friend Black Mike, then. :laughing:

Nothing wrong with having an eye patch. I guess if he had a prosthetic leg calling him peg leg Dan would be cool too.

Yea, taiwanese are totally dicks with nicknames, so that means…?


I hope you have all this indignation when SNL kept calling Chris Christie a fat slob.

Dan has an eye patch. He lost his eye in a war. He’s a fucking hero. You can boohoo if you want to, but I doubt he needs your tears.

Ah, the ol’ you have to take a position on everything or nothing gambit. Neat-o.

You wouldn’t think it was such a big deal…?

It accompanies your highly targeted kvetching about the stuff you’re aware of to the exclusion of other similar and relatable incidents.

Plenty of that on the forum, no doubt, but not @jdsmith . Pay attention.

It’s kinda a defining feature, sad but true. I jnew exactly who was meant but otherwise would have probably just glossed over, and i understood that it was in the context of praise not piss taking

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So have we all concluded I’m not a dick—- for that?

Not for that, anyways :wink:

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Do we really have to answer this question? :wink:

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