The Durham Investigation Thread

This is somehow tied to Russia’s Alfa Bank. Which was part of Glen Simpsons (Fusion GPS) web of connections he created surrounding John McCain and Russia back in 2007. see here and here

Christopher Steele even put some reference to it into his dossier, but obviously had no idea who they were as he spelt it “Alpha” see here

To what extent Steele was just stuffing his dossier with information provided by others we will never know, but we can pretty accurately surmise his role was to add an air of legitimacy to the whole scam.

Clinton was spewing this crap in the lead up to the 2016 elections, lest we not forget.


Shillary should keep her fat head down on this one. Bet she won’t.

"Sussmann billed his meeting with the FBI general counsel to the Clinton campaign with the billing description ‘work and communications regarding confidential project,’ " the indictment noted.

Durham alleged Sussmann’s failure to disclose his connections to the Clinton campaign hindered the investigation.

“Sussman’s false statement to the FBI general counsel was material to that investigation because among other reasons it was relevant to the FBI whether the conveyor of these allegations was providing them as an ordinary citizen merely passing along information or whether he was instead doing so as a paid advocate for clients with a political or business agenda,” he said.

Unfortunately although Michael Sussmann was a facilitator and deserves to be charged as I think Marc Elias does, they are not about to rat on their client the Clintons (ha), his is a very compartmentalized charge doesn’t implicate anyone else.

Downstream Fusion GPS and Glen Simpson, despite being the original architect, I doubt they will touch him as to do so opens up the entire can of worms implicating everyone.

50 dollar fine, move along, justice has been served.

Then the GOP best get on making a sophisticated blurb to link them. Lock her up ain’t gonna cut it.

The GOP was a part of it. Not all, there were the outsiders like Jim Gordon, but the leaders like Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan were in the know.

There’s no holding anyone of significance to account without the whole house of cards falling down and everyone being held to account, so IMO no one of significance will be charged.

I wasn’t ever really aware of him, but going through the whole smear campaign he was all talk. The business woman anchor on Fox Business used to scream at him, “WHEN will the truth come out?” He was perfectly happy with it not coming out. Nunes is another story. That guy should stick around.

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I think most people have seen though his act of all talk and no action, now when he appears on his favorite mouthpiece outlet, Hanity, invariably before he airs Tucker Carlson has got into the habbit of doing a hit piece on him.

Anyhoo, Bongino breaks down the current indictment, he’s written 2 books on the entire Russia collusion fiasco so assumed prior knowledge of what’s going on is to be assumed, but does suggest there might be a bit more meat on the bone than some might have originally thought.

Prompted to skip the initial chit chat, and despite the title, no Hillary is unlikely to be in any trouble.

Par for the course with the Clintons. Far too smart to personally do or sign anything incriminating. I’ll settle for knowing, and that seed, over time, and any new evidence that comes out will darken her name, and subsequently place her picture in the history books next to Trump’s. bwahahaha

We’ll see:

Mattack Dog bites again.

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Scathing reporting by Greenwald.

But the media disinformation about the Post 's documents — obviously designed to protect Joe Biden in the lead-up to the election — were not the worst aspect of what happened here. Far worse was the decision by Twitter to prohibit any discussion of this reporting or posting of links to the story both publicly and privately on the platform. Worse still was the immediate announcement by Facebook through its communications executive Andy Stone — a life-long Democratic Party operative — that it would algorithmically suppress the story pending a "fact check” by "Facebook’s third-party fact-check partners.” Despite multiple requests from me and others, Facebook never published the results of this alleged fact-check and still refuse to say whether it ever conducted one. Why? Because the documents they blocked millions of Americans from learning about were clearly true and authentic.

Some people are speculating but I dont think anyone in the actual federal government will ever be touched (I amy be wrong) and here’s why.

letter from radclife, pdf file.

According to his handwritten notes, former Central Intelligence Agency Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.

Everybody knew, right up to Obama but including heads of agencies like the FBI before they sat down with Sussmann on the 28th of July and before they opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31st. But everyone was told what Clinton was up to on the 26th before any of that happened.

What does that mean? Tulsi Gabbard weighs in, it’s not about Donald Trump or Tulsi Gabbard who they also called a Russian puppet, it’s a bigger problem, one the Glen Greenwald also identifies as a bigger problem than Trump and a problem some identified before Trump and was the key reason they pushed for Trump.

She hit’s the nail on the head, that’s what it’s always been about.

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I had a long lunch yesterday, listened to the whole thing. The proof that they are spot on is that it’s not being reported…like anywhere else.


I skipped over this, but should have posted. Russell Brand is no Trump fan and I am liking the fact liberals are catching up to what happened 5 years ago, the takeaway here for liberals, which I include myself as being one, is there was something nefarious going on.

Wait till he and those like them start putting two and two together and figure out where the problem lies and what needs to be done to address it, that will blow the minds of a lot of people.

I heard he got some pushback on Twitter for saying things that cannot be said. That will happen from at least someone for anything these days though to be fair. Also FWIW his recent Youtube video list looks like JP Sears with every possibility for skepticism covered, so not quite sure what he has in mind these days. Good video though and definitely resonates with me on some points.

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British celebrity, I’m not sure how much I like or dislike him, he does have an enimatic quality, certainly bright.

As the story goes, I suspect some people still are bought into the media narrative, it’s kind of jarring I guess to discover that wasn’t real. Still, worthwhile to post from someone who has just had the warning light go off on his brain, something is not right.

I never really bought into this whole Russia business personally, and it’s been fully obvious it wasn’t real for a while, but this is still jarring. I thought Trump should be impeached for what in my opinion was about as much, as I’m sure you will recall.

Sure, I know who he is. Agree with your description there.