Historical and religious analysis of the Christian and/or pagan Easter traditions; any and all criticisms of the content of these traditions are entirely welcome
Historical, religious, and skeptical analysis and criticism of the Christian claim that Jesus was raised from the dead
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One of the things that contributed to me having minimal resonance with Christianity, was just the colossal…I don’t know, disparity among the various aspects of the Resurrection tradition.
On one hand, you have The Creator of Everything suddenly kiboshing 70-80% of what has been daily fact-based doctrine and governance for a couple of thousand years, right? I mean, that’s your New Covenant, si?
So this is arguably one of the most significant events in human history, man, bigger than The Flood, on par with Creation itself, and it’s manifested in, what…a measly 12 hours of physical pain suffered by a semi-divine being?
Are you getting my point?
I mean, if you’re talking about ultimate suffering as a symbolic gesture, well, sorry, but there’s so many other, infinitely more painful (in the truest sense of the word) human experiences that could have been chosen to make the point.
I’m venturing into some kind of fucked up areas of advocacy here, please bear with me.
But, you know, physical damage hurts, and I ain’t saying The Passion was a day at the fuckin Red Sea shore or nothing, but come on.
What about having a little kid die of lukemia?
What about losing a newlywed spouse to a car accident?
25 years working at FoxConn?
That’s suffering, man.
You know, it just seems so disproportionate.
It all seems to be conceived as a way to give 8-year-old kids the willies at Good Friday services (They stuck the thorns ON HS HEAD!!! Nails! THROUGH HIS HANDS, man!!!), more than anything else.
[quote=“TheGingerMan”]The most fucked up thing about Easter is an underlying transference.
The Judas element, one step away from Juden.
Good Friday, indeed.[/quote]
No, the whipping, the thorns, the cross, the via deloroso, the tears and sweat of blood in the garden–all that and more were just the appetizers. The three days–from Good Friday to Easter Sunday–Christ spent in hell, suffering for the sins of all mankind. And being simply given over to Satin–who, of course, inflicted every horror possible while he had the chance.
Who can consider someone to be a serious person, a man of gravitas, if they still buy into all this archaic bullshit or worse, spend copious hours defending it. Methinks the religos doth protest too much. And yes, I would say this to your face if I was at the same table as you. Try me out next happy hour.
[quote=“the chief”][quote=“TheGingerMan”]The most fucked up thing about Easter is an underlying transference.
The Judas element, one step away from Juden.
Good Friday, indeed.[/quote]
OK, you’re shitfaced drunk right now, yes?[/quote]
Not even a motion of a way close to that realm. I work two jobs, and the only chance I get to get on a bender is Sunday after midnight until Tuesday at 1900.
Sorry to disappoint you in this regard.
Except jesus is supposed to be god incarnate, right? So god sends himself to earth to sacrifice himself to himself in order to save mankind (who he is said to have created) from a system god/jesus set up in the first place? Can’t he just use his magic?
But thereafter, not all humans are saved at all; only those who believe this story are?
Except jesus is supposed to be god incarnate, right? So god sends himself to earth to sacrifice himself to himself in order to save mankind (who he is said to have created) from a system god/jesus set up in the first place? Can’t he just use his magic?
But thereafter, not all humans are saved at all; only those who believe this story are?
Makes no sense.[/quote]
Not in your version, because it’s inaccurate.
Most Christian doctrines hinge eternal rewards NOT on “belief” in anything, but rather in repenting of your personal transgressions and requesting forgiveness therefor.
I don’t recall any versions of Christianity where simple belief in Jesus’ sacrifice was all that was required.
But, you know, I defer to the Mod, whose knowledge on this matter, as in so many others, is, well, encyclopaedic.