The effectiveness or otherwise of wearing masks

Yep, this guy cheated in every way possible. His huge earnings could not satisfy his greed and it brought him down.

Flu cases have flatlined in Japan.

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I donā€™t think this will be a best sellerā€¦


Want the in laws to like you? Gotta exchange gifts for Lunar New Year? Forget about a boring box of cookies no one will eat. This is the most coveted gift box of all:



Write like a child, expect to be treated like one.


here we go againā€¦
The virus is microscopic. All on its own, It can pass through the filtration of a normal medical mask.

However, the virus rides on larger droplets which masks do stop.

Masks are not 100%.
Wahing hands with soap, keeping your hands away from your face and social distancing, combined with wearing a medical mask properly, works.


Nah. I feel like weā€™re obliged to help children learn. Ignoring uneducated children isnā€™t really a good thing, and is often irresponsible.

Ignoring uneducable adults spouting idiocy, however, may indeed be good.


Oh come on @cake, weā€™ve been over this before, several times in fact. Do try to catch up. :yawning_face:

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Isnā€™t it interesting that people who donā€™t think a mask works wear it because of social pressure?

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Thatā€™s the nature of these forums. Nobody really changes their minds. In the past, this was true with respect to only topics of religion and politics. But now with the bizarro world created by Trump, this has extended to things like mask wearing and the integrity of elections in the US. Around and around we go. There is no shortage of craziness. Itā€™s making it harder to discern which threads to ignore.


Youā€™re giving Trump way too much credit. Trump didnā€™t create this world. He was a product of it.

From Covid conspiracies to GameStop, something is terribly wrong. My guess is that years of ingesting and breathing all sorts of chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc. is finally catching up to us, and these screens donā€™t help either.


Yeah I agree. Butā€¦this is basic-level stuff heā€™s posted disinformation about before. Itā€™s pretty astounding.


Isnā€™t it interesting that he said wear N99 masks not the surgical onesā€¦

Or we wear them out of respect and for the comfort others. I feel bad for workers who have to see so many people like at 7-11. Itā€™s not about my feelings.
Back when I worked at a Taiwanese company, people who were sick came in wearing a mask and soon the whole office was sick. Now that I work from home, I am rarely sick. Masks can help but itā€™s part of the strategy of staying away or sanitizing door handles, light switches, telephones, etc,
If youā€™ve watched a doctor go into a surgery, they put on the mask without touching the surface and when the leave the environment, they put it in the trash.
I carry a mask in my jacket pocket and put it on to go inside the post office. It is not really helping me stay clean but it would help if I were to sneeze.

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I feel like Taiwan is proof that mask provide effective defence to COVID. Not perfect.





Thatā€™s just sublime. Takes things to a whole new level.