The everything is nice and people are nice thread

7 minutes.


Magia negra

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It’s nice that my skin provides its own moisturizing so nicely in this early summer weather. Prodigiously, even.

It is nice people are still trying to post nice things.

I like today’s weather.

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Michael Cohen is flipping.

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It’s nice that the humidity seems to have dropped from gotta-wring-my-shorts-out-hourly to merely-damp-undergarment levels within the past hour (in Hsinchu).

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It’s nice that it just POURED rain down here in Hsinchu. Just now, just after I posted about dropping humidity levels. Very nice. :crazy_face:

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That’s wrong, it’s nice coolant.

Mother nature is so astonishing nice, it sucks up all the moisture to let it nicely fall back to earth in big drops.

Not after a few greasy hours. Then it comes to feel less like a coolant and more like a coating of motor oil.

Jeez, you’re perspiring oil? Nice!

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But then you can feel great when you get home and take a shower. All that salty layer goes away leaving silky smooth fresh skin. Ahhh!

Add fresh bed linens for extra fresh feeling. Sleep well.

That was nice xD

Sounds as if you are crusted over at the end of a working day! :zipper_mouth_face:

Just going out for a walk with the dog, you come back all ready for exfoliation.

How are your doggies BTW?

Still good, two are getting older now, (Emily)12 and (Lucy)13 years. The other one (Slider) is 3 or so.

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She is nice