The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

You’d be wrong about that. Most of NY gets lost in the downstate mob.

They sound like morons.

Not really, the ones I saw and it’s been a while had 58% of Americans think cheating influenced the outcome of the 2020 election, haven’t seen one for a while but that was up from about 53% just after the election and included about 30% of Democrats.

Maybe you’re confusing who rigged which election? But the % of Americans who believe is the same

Irony is we now know most of the dirt floating around was from the now debunked dossier and fraudulent data they fabricated about communications with Alfa bank, which Michael Sussmann is now due to be prosecuted on.

Then there is the DNC “hack” :roll: Which reminds me, hows Julian Assange doing these days? What’s the mood in the establishment towards him? I think he’s being treated overly harshly.

So just because most Americans belive an election was rigged, if that is true that it is most, doesn’t actually mean much of anything :thinking:

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Need to follow the evidence. The problem with that is you rely on organisations like the FBI to follow evidence that let’s say, the DNC was hacked. Except they had no real interest in finding out if the DNC was actually hacked so relied on CrowdStrike, employed by the DNC and went with the Russia hacked the DNC.

Turns out in later testimony, they had no evidence of such and the FBI it seems liked that narrative, for some unfathomable reason.

So there’s evidence that the last election was rigged?

I want to hear someone associated with the Democratic Party address any these things:

  1. CNN handing the Hillary campaign debate questions in advance
  2. Google algorithm pushing down results that affect outcome of 2020 election.
  3. Burying the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  4. Creating a Ministry of Truth, ahem, “Disinformation Committee.” the day Elon buys Twitter.

Why hasn’t any Democrat spoken out on all these acts of information-suppression?

GOP is bonkers as well, with ethnonationalists running the party and conspiracy theories flying all over the place. But at least Republicans had men of conscience in integrity, like Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, and Jeff Flake speak out against the party…

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Depends on your definition of rigged, if you mean information was suppressed by the media like Hunter Bidens laptop, we know they did that and 17% of Democrats have said they wouldn’t have voted for Biden had they know about it at the time.

As to the question of is there evidence, I don’t think those who think it was the fairest election of all time, really are being open minded when they ask that, they have already made their mind up.

So, rather than get into a back and forth like the thread on election fraud, let me say what we should all agree on, elections are by the people and for the people, they should be fair, easy for everyone to vote for those eligible and those eligible should have their eligibility verified and easy to verify if the results are challenged.

We do that pretty well in Taiwan, the USA, not so well and if I were a voter I would be pushing politicians to give the people what the people deserve.

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And Rigged is a rigged word.

And this:

How about that?

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That’s laughable. Anyone with supposed integrity in the GOP is silenced or primaried. Some like Flake only have the balls to speak out on their way out. There is no tolerance for a diversity of views and the only thing the party realistically stands for is “owning the libs”. Pathetic excuse for a party.

Republicans in @Malasang88’s fevered mind:

Actual Republicans:

Baaa🤣 is this where you tell everyone you have black friends?

WTF do those memes have to do with what I posted? Couldn’t find something on Liz Cheney?

Some good news…

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The only reason people feel the election was rigged is because Trump+co endlessly repeated this lie for months before the election, during the election, and after the election. Not because they had any shred of actual evidence. Two years later and they still don’t have any. They just realised that if they just make up some fraud accusations and endlessly repeat it, then their moronic base will believe it and repeat it and turn it into some kind of political rallying call.

The votes were verified in all of the contested states. The elections in those states are legislated and run by Republican state governments. Two years later and there is zero evidence of any fraud and the Republican accusations continue to be nothing more than empty lies meant to distract people from their crimes. The Republican party is a threat to the peace and stability of the North American continent and I’m genuinely worried about what they will try in 2024 if Trump runs again, now that they know they can attempt a coup and face zero consequences when it fails.


At least they exist. There’s not a SINGLE Democrat with enough integrity to speak out against their party when it’s suppressing information to influence electoral outcomes, or creating a Ministry of Truth. Not one.

And how exactly is information being suppressed? You want Democrats to speak out on pure speculation…to what play into the same BS hyperbole from the Republicans? Their criticisms don’t even make sense.

The whole purpose of the bureau is to counter foreign misinformation. Yet Republicans were asking if they’re going to investigate Obama saying if you can keep your doctor. Give me a fucking break.

Do you expect Democrats to join in on the Big Lie when it’s completely fabricated with no evidence? Do you expect Democrats to speak out against gay marriage because next people will want to marry animals?

When the criticisms are rational then I would expect that, but the Right is just plain insane.

Hunter Biden laptop story.

Google admitting to pushing down search results with their algorithm, to influence electoral results.

CNN giving the Hillary campaign debate questions in advance.

Your defense of the Ministry of Truth says it all.

Not a single Democrat has spoken up.

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Glad there is someone who still has tradition liberal values on here @OysterOmelet

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That story wasn’t suppressed; nobody, including Trump supporters, knew quite what to do with it given the unknown provenance - it’s still a whack story. Even Tucker backed of delving too deep there - remember the missing package and how it was going to derail the Biden campaign, but push come to shove, Tucker supposedly didn’t release it because he suddenly didn’t want to pile on Hunter? Uh huh.

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