The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

You should have your anal retentiveness checked next time you see your doctor.

Check yourself. I don’t give a flying fuck if he calls himself a farmer even if he’s not. I’m commenting on the ridiculousness of him suing someone that’s trying to force him to not claim he’s a farmer as an occupation on ballots, when his occupation clearly isn’t a farmer.

(And what’s with the ridiculous defense of him actually being a farmer? C’mon now.)

The suit filed against him to force him not to call himself a farmer seems even more frivolous. The only apparent motive in filing that suit would seem to be spite. He grew up in a farming family and his family still owns and runs a farm. Why can’t he call himself a farmer? And who cares?

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Because… he’s not a farmer? As for who cares, he’s misrepresenting himself to voters. It’s a (very) light version of what George Santos did, and we all care about that, right?

I have. I am a fisherman. I believe it to be the case. I have the history and background to back it up. Your not believing it to be the case means about fuckall to me. I imagine DN feels about the same.

Are you prosecuting online again? lol hahaha

Check yourself.

Talk about a petty lawsuit… You don’t even care yourself. It must take considerable energy to pretend to get worked up about it.

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Fuck, I thought I was only one who saw that. It boggles the mind how some people seem to have work extra hard just to get through a shitty day at work. :laughing:

But you won’t claim your occupation as a fisherman, right? Right, because you’re not a liar trying to mislead.

Do you care about George Santos ‘overstating’ his resume? If so, where’s the line?

Prove that’s what DN did. Otherwise, switch topics. Either way, I’m done with you for the day. I have a nice day off that I’ve earned, so nope. cheers

Don’t really care that much about either one frankly. If you want to set a bar of complete honesty for politicians, we’d just have to give up and let AI run the country. Embellishing a resume? Please…

Well, we’re just way too far apart to have a meaningful discussion then.

It’s an impossible bar, but we should aspire to have honest politicians. Ones that when called out on lies / non truths / alternate facts / how ever you want to spin it, can admit it rather than double down and / or sue their constituents.

If you buy that from Santos… sheeeiiiiiit.

Sounds great. When we get a president like that, let me know. Personally, I’d like to see politicians (from either party) put forward constructive plans for paying down that $31 trillion national debt. I’m not holding my breath though.

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It’s almost like there’s a continuum, from relatively honest to total lying shitheels. I’m not sure how you can not care that much when one is a total lying shitheel.

We haven’t had one of those in a long long while, unfortunately.

It’s a politician’s job to lie. The only difference is between good liars and bad liars.

Good thing we should’ve expect more from Nunes, given that his occupation is as a farmer. ;D

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Maybe, maybe not. He could have also been referring to his vocation, or profession. I’ve seen the election regulation in question.

You’re getting fixated on it, so get it right. Don’t guess.

We need to stop lying to ourselves that it’s about lies. Democrats only care about Republican lies and vice-versa. The best we can say about ourselves is that it’s about half truths, which are really just good lies.
