The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

That’s the problem though, isn’t it? Viewing everything through the lens of political wins vs doing what’s right?

Minorities will not love your platform. They’re unjustly incarcerated more than whites, so I’m told. Period? Or period with a BLM pass? Head to toe zero employment, huh?

So not only you box out a slew of young people with criminal records, you prevent them for. Even thinking about changing that legal ruling via public elections?

Well, that’s too much. They could think about it.

I don’t think there is too much consensus on the right side of the aisle about Santos getting the boot, honestly.

Do you really think that doing the right thing is only worth doing if it also comes with a political W somehow?

This stance is really a microcosm of the current problem here in US politics. This greedy concept creates so much needless partisan gridlock and provides a perfect environment for fuckery both foreign and domestic.

Santos will certainly reveal how much rot this philosophy has already inflicted on our political system over the coming months. Fat fucker is really going to be the perfect litmus test for how competent our current politicians are, on one side of the aisle at least.

Directly juxtapose Republican extremists slow-rolling criminal Santos being kicked out, with Biden self-reporting his improperly stored classified documents for a real mindscrew.

Oh yeah. I can’t watch WWE because I know it’s fake. I used to watch the WWF all the time when I was young and easily entertained.

Too many normal voters know the basic politics of the game. It sucks watching politicians fumble around like this.

But a better breed of pol would just mean we’re watching rasslin’ again.

The right thing? I never wrote the GOP getting a W was right in any way. It’s a political W. Its rightness or lack of is an opinion, I suppose, and one I haven’t personally offered.

Santos is a political molehill.

Is he now? :sweat_smile:

Another fun juxtaposition:

That’s certainly one word for it. Stop trying to find Waldo.

Man, Trump really got under the skin didn’t he? Lol


Trump ended up being a flawed prototype of a new breed of populist politician. More perturbed about how he has already been a valuable case study for those who are actually more competent and are therefore capable of wreaking a greater degree of sustainable havoc.

Santos slithering around for as long as he has been, yeah it’s just not a good look, and it continues to shed light on the fact our system is broken and how certain groups prioritize party over people, religiously.

Are you gonna tell me what committees he’s in or not?

As for the populist stuff, totally agree. Obama, Trump and then who? Will it be an exponentially popular vote or another 50/50 thing? What we have now kind of sucks but I’d hate to get someone with say 75% of the vote. Our country doesn’t handle quick historical change well.

The last one was president

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Obama really got under the skin didn’t he?

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True, however, no one continued to give a shit about Obama once he retired to Netflix.

I don’t know about that, his name kept coming up during the following presidency

Even now, seems he’s still living rent free in some heads

Come on, at this rate a Pence vs. Harris showdown for the next election is a downright hopeful scenario. Don’t you miss Obama even a little?

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Only because he spied on Trumps campaign using crappy oppo research he knew was hit job put out by the Clinton campaign and then kicked out 35 Russian diplomats seeding the narrative for the MSM and intelligence community to go after Trump for the next few years.


How to launder a lifetime of criminal activity once it starts catching up to you? Go from grift to graft in 5 simple steps!

  1. Run as a politician (trending flavor in US at the moment: Republican)
  2. Say the things your people want to hear
  3. Obfuscate, downplay, straight up lie about your greasy past/present and develop loyal followers by going on a full 24/7 offensive against the LIBS. Go full steam ahead with demagoguery
  4. Get elected
  5. profit $$$ - now you can claim any criminal investigations you’re under are political hit jobs!


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And he did it all from his living room with a smartphone. Technology is crazy right?

Part of step 3, should be accuse the other side of doing exactly what you did. No it was Dems who were blackmailing Ukraine, trying to work with Russia, trying to overturn an election etc.

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Hope and Change!
Yes We Can!

Right so very misleading. There was no hope and no we couldn’t!

This is too easy though:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”