The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

A finding is not a conviction. Which is why they break out the different kinds of findings. Some convictions, some not. Got it yet? (And it doesn’t even say every one results in a finding - note the OR there)

Overall, I think this is the clearest indication about WHY the long term GOPers are performing this stunt. It’s not something I hadn’t suspected a while back. I prefer Policy, yet most of the what we get in the normal run of the media is Politics. It’s payback. It’s payback for Flynn and then with how far the Obama leftovers ran with it. They spiked the ball.

It makes me wonder, as I honestly believe that the Democrats are best when are working for the people…unions would be nice. Covid 19 has meant nothing to me. I’m working from home all next week too. Same pay and bennies, yo. How about spreading some of that around?

It makes me wonder why the DNC keeps trying to out-politic the GOP. How do you like them SCOTUS noms? nomnomnom

Once AGAIN, thenk yew Harry blackeye Reid. You shaky-limbed ball spiker.

This is now ruage, folks.

“You also have to realize what happened over the last four years,” Blackburn continued. “The Democrats never accepted President Trump. They spent every single day trying to undermine him, trying to work against him, trying to obstruct. The day after, they named themselves the resistance and said they were going to resist him every single day.”

Rue the day, yo.

Now, honestly, I smells Clintonstank all over this. Unless you still believe that Obama the Netflix showman hero was ever actually capable of…you know…the thing.

And b4 the whores of political diversity descend upon me and feast on my liver, Ask me my opinion.

Quoted again for JFC upstairs.

Which, again, is NOT the same as your claim “However, Heritage states that they don’t include numbers until a conviction has been made.”

Ferfugsake man. It’s an easy concession to make here. Buck up and just say you misstated they’re position.

Except that’s not what happened. Pelosi passed the relief bill months ago; McConnell stalled it in the Senate because he didn’t want money to go to anybody who wasn’t rich. When Trump proposed $2000 checks Pelosi immediately passed it; McConnell again stalled it.
If by “fools” in Congress you mean Republicans, as your statements seem to say, totally agree.


But it is. Republicans actually caved a few times and met the demands of the democrats but the democrats upped their demands. Pelosi didn’t want to play ball with Trump, even CNN had to call her out.

Democrats are fools, so are the republicans. It’s plain to see. McConnell is the problem now, but don’t ignore what Pelosi didn’t want to play ball at all for months before. She’s fine now after the election of course… :wink:

This guy has been my source following the bill. Unbiased, and just facts. Let’s look back to August.

Sums up what was happening from 1:26

Democrats didn’t want a stand-alone bill. Pelosi didn’t want Trump to give people a check with his name. Pretty clear.

Democrats asked for 100b for education, republicans matched and gave 105b…democrats then upped it after the republicans caved. Republicans actually compromised a lot, democrats would not budge on most of anything. And then…they all took a vacation…

Right before the election. Not sure where you got she accepted stimulus packages months before.

Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives, has rejected a higher $1.8tn fiscal stimulus offer from the White House, dashing hopes of a breakthrough in the negotiations.

More rejecting.

Oh yeah, did I mention both sides did agree on one issue during this time…to take their vacation :man_shrugging:

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As he said, the house passed a ($2.2T) bill months ago. So that’s probably what he’s referring to. :wink:

Full call and transcript out.

I haven’t had the time to read the full transcript, but I like the bouncy house headlines, up and down and all over the place:

I’m watching Cruz most closely. I figure he has the most to lose politically, given the 2024 POTUS freeforall should be a real hoot.

They want an emergency electoral commission…and they can do it in ten days.


Tom Cotton is good, thanks.

Yes, if you include “sources” like the national pulse (and dumbasses like ted cruz), you’re almost by definition going to have messaging all over the place.

I purposefully include sources I haven’t heard of. If you want to argue sources and media bias, there’s a thread for that.

I didn’t actually argue about sources - just point out that yea, if you use extreme sources, the headlines are going to be all over the place.

But now that you brought it up… :smiley: that’s a copout saying don’t argue sources- it’d be like including a link to project veritas or the national enquirer and saying let’s not argue about the source; this is doubly true when the article you link to is “analysis” / opinion from said source (vs something like investigative reporting or a breaking tip, which may stand on its own, and where even the blind squirrel enquirer occasionally finds a nut (don’t confuse that with them being an actual reputable source that you can link to without having to defend though)).

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There’s lots of hyperbole to go around:

It’s a long recording, so I doubt that many people will ever hear it in its entirety.

Worse than Watergate? It’s a bunch of lawyers suing. Were the Plumbers lawyers?

I won’t comment on the recording until I have had the chance to hear it…just heard snips buried in “news articles” that tell me lots of things. So far, meh.

I like how the GA dood isn’t backing down. Either you have the data or ya don’t.

By law, Congress must hold a joint session on Jan. 6 to ratify Mr. Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win. Objections from some Republican senators and House members are expected to force debate and votes in both chambers of Congress. Majorities in both the House and Senate would have to agree for the challenge to be successful, an unlikely prospect given that Democrats control the House.

I said yesterday that this all sounds to me like a what goes around comes around thing.

Russian collusion with the Trump team was also a lie. Lots of democratic voters believed it. Oh, and speaking of that:

Not really interested in justifications for trying to steal democratic elections.

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I’d say, given the scope of this, you might should be.

Why? It’s just a scumbag and his team of scumbags trying to steal an election. Many Americans would believe their particular priests if they told them the sun wouldn’t come up tomorrow, that’s more obvious than ever and there’s nothing particular surprising about it (I’m not sure why you particularly quoted that with my name as if I was giving it some particular importance). What I am concerned about is that people are cynically attempting to subvert the democratic process.

I have been concerned with that kind of thing for a few years now.

I’m not sure what you mean. The Nunes article? Yer smart. I’m sure you can piece it together.