The GOP's House of Representatives Thread

“Thursday, a Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee heard new jaw-dropping allegations of alleged election fraud in the state from several people including President Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani.”


Why, because he grew a beard instead of balls?

Because he has the support of Trump’s base and a lot of Latinos. He would and maybe will be the first Latino president. Why do you say he has no balls? For example? Or you just do not like him?

Because he has no balls and is a prick.


In 2016 Trump nicknamed him “Lyin’ Ted” and Cruz labelled Trump as “a compulsive liar”. I agree with both of them.
Trump said Cruz’s father was part of the Kennedy assassination, and posted a tweet of an unflattering picture of Cruz’s wife suggesting she was ugly and threatening to “spill
the beans” on her. Since Trump came to power Cruz has shifted into Trump’s lapdog.

He doesn’t have the balls to defend his wife, and cravenly licks Trump’s feet in order to snivel into a position of power.

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I hope.

I think that Tom Cotton is going to be coming hard for the position as well. The GOP has a far better collection of younger politicians at the national level than the DNC and it will be interesting if the latter realizes it - the best they have, in my opinion, are people the establishment dislikes.

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I’m no fan of Cruz, he has a little humor that I might not have credited him for before, but he is always about Cruz.

He’s been on the wrong side of Trump (2016 Republican Convention), he’s been on the right side when Cruz thought it would pick him up votes and he is the vulture picking the bones right now. He really is a slimeball.

Good interview here with Mo Brooks who is going to object tomorrow, points out that Senators need to object too, and only one is going to do that and in only one state so it’s all rather pathetic. Points out Cruz and his objections are nonsense.

Cruz, Cotton, Nunes…there are choices, but this thang they’re doing is risky business, imo.

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This just in.

Dam! Trump has him well beat in the wife department :rofl:

From another forum:

If you want to own Ted Cruz for the rest of your life
Better call an ugly woman his wife
But from my personal point of view
Heidi’s smarter than the whole Trump crew

Melania’s hands make Trump’s look small
We can all see he’s got tiny fat paws
And when he tries to make himself look big
Trump makes it too clear that he’s just a pig
And when he called the ugly woman Ted’s wife
He knew he’d somehow made a friend for life
But Heidi is really pretty damned smart
And she’s gonna squeeze poor Ted’s boy parts

If you’re gonna tell Mario that he’s too short
Better have a well-rehearsed and pithy retort
But if kiddie insults are all you can give
Then the sobriquet “Little” cuts like a shiv

When you nominated William Barr you knew
That you were simmering in the stew
And since you didn’t want to die like a dog
You went out and hired your very own Sweat Hog
You were hoping for a new Roy Cohn to trust
Instead you got a guy who didn’t do too much
Then Billy saw the handwriting on the wall
And decided that his own fat ass he’d haul

“Say, Ted…”
“Yes, Mister President?”
“I saw your wife the other day…”
“Yes, Mister President?”
“And man, she’s ugly…”
“Yes, Mister President.”
“She’s so ugly, I thought I was looking at your personality!”
“Yes, Mister President”
“Shut up, Ted”
“Anything you say, Mister President.”
“I said, “Shut up, Ted”

If you wanna own Ted Cruz for the rest of your life
Go ahead and call that ugly woman his wife
Cause here’s what Ted is gonna do
He’ll do anything you tell him to

(Special thanks to Jimmy Soul)


If I am still alive at the next presidential election I wonder if there will be whole threads devoted to “How much do we hate President Cruz”

A long read.

Those who are partisans by temperament will assume that any charges of vote fraud in the 2020 election must spring from partisan motives. They will find it hard to believe that someone might simply want to find out what actually happened in the election, that a political scientist or responsible citizen will want to understand what the election tells us about the state of his country. What motivated me to study the election and write down my observations was not a preference for one of the two presidential candidates. It was these three things: (1) a desire to know what happened in the election; a political scientist has certain obligations; (2) a suspicion, derived in part from studies of trends in American politics, that in the 2020 election something went egregiously, disturbingly wrong; and (3) the media’s absurdly one-sided treatment of the candidates and their blacking out the charges of fraud.

Never mind. Hawley — has there ever been such a high ratio of ambition to accomplishment? — and Cruz have already nimbly begun to monetize their high-mindedness through fundraising appeals.

For many years, some people insisted that a vast conspiracy, not a lone gunman, masterminded the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy near the grassy knoll in Dallas’s Dealey Plaza. To these people, the complete absence of evidence proved the conspiracy’s sophistication. They were demented. Today’s senatorial Grassy Knollers — Hawley, with Cruz and others panting to catch up — are worse. They are cynical.

They know that every one of the almost 60 Trump challenges to the election has been rebuffed in state and federal courts, including the Supreme Court, involving more than 90 judges, nominated by presidents of both parties. But for scores of millions of mesmerized Trump Republicans, who think the absence of evidence is the most sinister evidence, this proves that the courts, too, are tentacles of the “deep state.” Hawley and Cruz, both of whom clerked for chief justices of the Supreme Court, hope to be wafted into the White House by gusts of such paranoia.

-George Will

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I like GW, but I think he’s simply surfing the wave here. There has been congressional testimony about “lost” votes and “switched votes.”

I’m not stats guy, so it’s impossible for me to verify, but these folks seem to know what they’re saying and theyre saying something stannks in GA.

Justin Mealey, is a former electronic warfare specialist for the U.S. Navy and the CIA. David Lobue is a data scientist whose skills have been in demand across a wide variety of industries. This past week the two appeared before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on elections for the State of Georgia.

That link to the testimony:

In fact the data is so clear that they were able to flip the state in three counties without involving Fulton County.

That link:

I’m not conspiracy guy and I am working very hard to keep an open mind here. Trump didn’t do himself any favors on the phone call, and made me doubt him more than side with him. But these numbers folks…well…again, I’m no expert, but isn’t this the science we’re all supposed to believe in now? :idunno: :ponder:

I tried to find the Swedish guy who claimed election fraud, but couldn’t. Got this though, which is the opposite:

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure*

And this, which hits on something I was thinking about a few days ago. Why are poll workers volunteers? Usually geriatric volunteers?

On the in-person side, I think we’re going to have a very high demand for in-person voting. In the primary season the real struggle with keeping polling places open has been with counties losing their poll workers. In 2016, 60% of poll workers were over the age of 60 and 25% are over the age of 70. So the prime poll working population is also the prime population that’s most at risk of COVID. That’s a big thing.

Anyway, it’s all uphill for the GOP now.

I heard this one on the NPR podcast this week;
So now the GOP has made themselves the party who refuses to accept the will of the people, the Democratic process, unless they’re the winners.

The presidential election wasn’t even close and there was no credible evidence presented. They are now telling America; it’s fraud if we don’t win and we’ll never accept it.

Where will they go from here? Dig in with Cruz?
They need a new path IMO. This isn’t sustainable.

It looks like POTUS’ motorcade just showed up.

Why am I channeling Boris Yeltsin? :grimacing:

:rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

of course you’re not… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
you’re just heavily supporting a anti-liberal, authocratic, facist cult leader without any grounds. but this thread is for you.

btw GOP should split up, that’d be the way to go.

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Hillary didn’t win. Give it up.Eh, and how did you get off my ignore list. Let’s rectify that!

ooph, nostalgia is a charming liar.