The GOP's House of Representatives Thread


ahhh, noice

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Trump is slamming the GOP and putting the onus on Pence. yeesh

The GOPers that won’t fall in line will be “primaried.” “We’ll primary the hell out of them.”

“Explosions of bullshit.”

“everyone here will march to the Capital and peacefully protest”

He’s laying out the electoral discrepancies that will be “brought to light for the world to see”

Particularly the local rule changes that should have gone through the State Senates…which is a real thing that really shouldn’t happen.

get rid of Liz Cheney…she never wanted a soldier brought home…jesus

fun to watch trumpists starting to loosing it as their time is coming to an end. :popcorn:

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That GA testimony had some characters - the CueCat guy testified (not in your link)! :smiley:

This video has some potentially interesting points. Like the (unofficial) vote counts going down. That’s probably worth looking into, if it can be supported. They claim all that happens is all on the digital record side, and they say the numbers that’s certified are those digital numbers. But there was also a hand count, which would appear to kill that argument, right? Right. They address this by claiming that the hand recount is done via new printouts from the submitted electronic records. this cannot be true, as the hand recount in georgia resulted in some counties initially noting discrepancies in their tallies, which was then attributed to them not uploading all their memory cards (yeah, take issue with that if you want. it’s certainly a process issue and a serious concern. but read that again and reconcile it with the claims in the video, which would make that not possible. (the counties with the unread cards then uploaded and recertified their reconciled results)).

Other points don’t hold up under even cursory examination and are just flat out wrong, like when it says receiving 75%+ of votes for a candidate in a precinct is abnormal. That’s flat out wrong. In some precincts, it’d be abnormal to NOT see that (both on the D and R side (strangely, they only point it out on the D side)). They’re taking a general indicator and trying to apply it to specific instances. It’s like when people take BMI - useful for discussing a large population - and apply to it an individual (oh, he has a bmi of 32, he’s fat! uh, no, he’s a lean, mean, fighting machine). Then they go so far as calling it an impossibility that some precincts are so partisan - why’s it impossible? they assert it, but don’t tell you why they think that. What nonsense.

(as an aside, anytime you have someone introduce themselves like those guys did, with generalities, you can almost guarantee that they’re trying to give you the impression that they have credentials they don’t have (Navy EW specialist, eh? (what’s your MOS? you tell me you’re a ew specialist, i read that you’re a relatively jr enlisted guy that sits at the radar scope (i work in defense). a claim of CIA / NSA contractor with no details is almost always a red flag for puffery. a programmer, data scientist, everything in between at a big 4? uh, what’s your actual job? that’s not the way it works (i used to be at E&Y as a sr consultant (see, specifics. it’s not hard))


IDK man, bc I hear bitching about counting is not verifying or signature matching.

Pence is up.

Wow…Arizona…first objection…to applause. wow

And theyre out to figure out how to unscrew the pooch…back to the House.

haha, Jim “turn a blind eye to molesters” Jordan is using the attendance at super spreader events as “evidence” of election fraud.

uh huh:

Yesterday, a firsthand account confirmed the child abuse that occurred under Raphael Warnock’s purview at Camp Farthest Out in the early 2000s. Warnock was arrested in 2002 for obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse that occurred under his leadership. Arresting officers from the Child and Sexual Assault Unit said they had “never encountered resistance like [Warnock’s] at all.”

ahem…SENATOR Warnock.

Wow, that’s where you want to go with that? It’s something I’ve looked, as they’ve been a subject of attack ads here in the last couple months. Warnock says the “obstruction” was that he wanted lawyers there for the police interviews with counselors who were minors, and investigators reported he was “very helpful,” said he was arrested as a result of “miscommunication,” and apologized.

The camp also wasn’t under his purview - he was a youth pastor.

In case you didn’t know and aren’t trolling.

and this, vs the long running systemic issues at ohio state? really?

Dude, in case you aren’t rolling, this kind of very weak sauce is why you are completely lacking in good faith.

From the link you just put up:

In August 2002, Warnock was working at the Douglas Memorial Community Church in Baltimore when he and another minister were charged with obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse at a church-run camp in rural Carroll County, Maryland.

He and the other minister were not suspects in the investigation, but they were charged because authorities say they interrupted an interview of a counselor at Camp Farthest Out, an outreach ministry for inner-city kids, and later tried to block a camper from talking to police.

At the time, State Trooper Diane Barry told The Baltimore Sun that she’s “never encountered resistance like that at all.” Warnock told the newspaper he was only asserting that lawyers need to be present during the interviews.

bye. be better

Some woman on CSPAN just said that the people protesting peacefully through the notonfire Capital were desecrating the memory of the African Americans who built it.

Also, they put up a inner chamber picture of the Capital Police or the Secret Service with guns drawn aimed at the doors.


Anyway, i had some light reading to do so I’m orf for a while:

We’ve been suffering from a nationwide contagious variant of nihilism rarely seen in modern megasuperduper powers…if ever. Been going of for years.

I love Nirvana…but whatctualfuck?
I call it the inheritance of the boomers.


i’m perfectly ok with a youth pastor interrupting an interview by police of minor camp counselors until lawyers are involved. you not?

and yea, there’s apparently a coup attempt going on. awesome.

mitch McConnell killed the republicans, he won’t admit it and wants to blame Trump. Ultra conservatives like him telling voters they don’t care about them with a 600 check killed the GOP.

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GOP is pretty simple. They’re now beholden to Trump’s base, and will follow them to the ends of the earth to not upset them, damn any kind of Republican tenet they ever claimed to stand for.

Whole party as it exists today is a fraud, like the guy they cozied up to. Who isn’t actually a Republican, or interested in keeping the party intact. Trump may not be bright, but he is infinitely smarter than the party that is gonna follow him blindly in the dark.

Long term, Trump may be the equivalent of an a-bomb on the Republican party, causing a lot of damage in the short term, but ending them more quickly than would have otherwise been anticipated.

You sound like you need a walk in the park, and some sweet vitamin d maybe. Take care.

Not necessary, you’re making my day much sunnier! :rofl:

Between the Georgia runoff results, the pro-Trump cancelation of democracy, and Merrick Garland as AG, I’m not sure what more news can come out of the US today to make me any happier. Just sitting here basking in some delicious schadenfreude!

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Go to the proud boys thread, watch the video I posted of the 2 proud boys getting ready to throw down. That’s not the funny part, it’s the guy in the background repeatedly punching a street sign in rage.

A microcosm of what’s expected from the GOP I suspect.

Sure, a legal process, written into Law a loooooong time ago. It’s just a bunch of legal maneuvering afaik. There are valid points that need to be addressed about how local governments handled a very trying election. Some people think it wasn’t done properly. A giant ass bunch of people want it addressed. Congress should be responsive and follow the Law, not BS everyone and not deny voice to others. :idunno:

Or you think the Prowd Bois are plotting a take over?

Looks interesting, will take a look.

Congress is back at work after the riots and the guy talking now is talking about nihilists, when imo he should be talking about Nihilism. How ironic would it be to see the USSR and the USA crumble under the weight of the ENDING of the Cold War? Crazypants