The Great Amnesty

OK, chaps. I was of the view at the start of Covid that letting it rip would prove to be best long-term, by the way.

It’s a shame that we’ll never know for sure what’s happening in China. We’ll see what “‘control’” means.

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Off topic, yet always relevant. Week in and out for the oldies: :runaway:

Crikey. That’s a lot of pneumonia deaths in Jun/Jul 2022. You’d think they would have borrowed a few of those to pad out the COVID spreadsheet.

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Yeah, I used to watch these quite closely to see how they paralleled the Covid deaths*. I always wondered what the data would look like if they had of tested whomever they threw into the positive Covid death basket, for the flu or pnu :thinking:


As the dumpster fire continues to rage, here’s Piers Morgan ducking and diving and issuing a sort-of-but-not-really backtrack, still claiming that he was basically right all along.

No, Piers, the science did not “evolve”. The MHRA knew the facts from the beginning - or at least had in hand the documentation with the facts in it. You were lied to, you believed the lies because you couldn’t be arsed to go and check the facts, and now you look worse than stupid.

A particularly unfortunate placement of the YouTube ‘play’ button there, incidentally.