The Great Dual Citizenship Debate (2022 edition)

I love your idealism, I really do. Unfortunately the world works mostly on compromise. Which is rather disappointing, but you need to learn to walk before running. I tried many times in the past to remain “pure” and just live with my ideals, got burnt quite bad. Although I still consider myself an overall good person, I had and have to accomodate things which I do not like since first I need to provide to my folks, 2 I do not want problems 3 I always ponder what my actions consequences would be on the others, and being mostly “selfish” actions, they have very little impact. They might not help, but for sure they won’t affect negatively them.

You think this is idealism? You should see @Marco in the guesses thread. That is idealism! :grin:


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I consider this an insult if you want my honest opinion.

What compromise? What are the racists giving up?

I find this condescending to no end.

None of what I said is idealistic. We are the ones being oppressed. My life is now. My birth date is the one my parents gave me. I don’t get a choice. I cannot just go into suspended animation and freeze my ageing for 20 years so that the racist nationalists die off. My life is now and I need to defend myself and anyone that is done with living second class. The time for action for not only myself, but for others is NOW.

Not really relevant.

A compromise is about both parties giving up something to have a somewhat beneficial solution. What are the Taiwanese giving up? Our country allows everyone to become dual citizens. What have we Italians given up to allow Black people and Asian people to become Italian Citizens?

Then if you want to live second class and unequal, that is on you.

The consequences are that we are not second class anymore. It doesn’t negatively affect other people. I pay taxes. I contribute to the economy. I created a new job with my talents. I’m a fucking god at this point.

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You can put that on your application.

I think it’s works best though when Taiwanese start setting up Marco figurines in their temples. That’s when you really know you made it here!

No talk yet, alas, about afterspivak figurines or temples. Until then, I’ll have to remain content to walk as a mere mortal on this earth.



I meant no disrespect, I’ll go in peace. Cheers!


You folks are just talking about different political approaches. Hope one or both of you can make this work.


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If we want idealism, then I will stand down and let Forward Taiwan keep trying.

I am pragmatic. We are foreigners. We contribute. We are good for this country.

And it’s time to show Parliament how fucking awesome we are and to never stop banging those pots and pans.

This is about me and you. It’s about our protections as humans. We should not have to constantly live in fear of deportation or our rights being taken away.

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I’m not talking about any political approach. I’m about defending us. It’s useless if the law is changed after we die. Our lives are now. If one wants to be idealistic, they may contact Forward Taiwan.

I’m not going to just simply sit there and let it be a ‘reward’. No. It’s all of us or none of us, including our SEA friends.

If we accept it as a reward in any capacity, then we are the problem and we have failed our brothers and sisters.

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Do they still even exist? Haven’t heard a peep out of them in ages.

Exactly. They don’t seem to know how to be a squeaky wheel.


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I think they call it ‘Invest in Taiwan’ now?

Looking for young professionals that are already wealthy?

I think that’s a whole different ball of wax…

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You know I agree with you on this 100%. The problem is the middle aged and old racists don’t have to give anything up. Over the years I banged the drum to my adult classes and was told by a lot of these racists, in a polite way, that that was Taiwan and likely in the back of their mind they probably said if you don’t like it gtfo. These people became downright belligerent at the thought of foreigners becoming citizens or having any say with the government. and that is the rub, as long as the government doesn’t feel any voter pressure, they won’t care

It’s OK though. Never stop banging the drum. Who will defend you if you don’t defend you? Don’t forget to sell the idea.

The only people with the real power to change this are the 113 MPs in Parliament. We only need 50%+1.

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I guess I got old and jaded after a while. I remember the 3 year argument with various levels of bureaucracy including various administrative appeals that were all declined. I also remember looking at my hundreds of pages of documentation with the executive yuan and other departments and just shredded it all one day in disappointment.


We can’t become jaded yet. We are closer than ever and we can only get closer.

Soon, my boss will be looking at changing us to 4 day weeks. That’s when I start putting boots on the ground.

@Hartzell didn’t compromise. He wasn’t ‘idealistic’ (translation: pipe dream). He set out to do something and he got it done.

And I will name him when we win.

I totally feel you. I’m just glad somebody (@Marco ) is still fired up about it.


If I lose my fire, I will die. I can’t. Everyone else i see in their thirties is dead on the inside and I still want to steam ahead. If I stop, I get antsy, anxious.


We all admire your terrier-like tenacity and shark-like MO. :+1:

Welcome to the real world… :sweat_smile: