The Great Reset

“Project Detroit”? Seriously? Is the ultimate intention for London to end up as a ghost city occupied mostly by drug addicts and criminals?

When I read the title I thought it meant that he’d put up seed capital in the expectation of selling the project to TfL at some point and reaping a reward. Silly me, he’s spending other people’s money.

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Interview with Sandi Adams to discuss how the UN agendas are affecting farmers globally and the protests around the EU.

Welsh farmer talks about the agenda:

Mmmm lovely. One of the most unhealthy and environmentally-harmful crops on the planet is now even more so.

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Not just the USA:

War, as always, allows the corporates to implement a reset that suits them, not us:

No surprise:

Supermarket chain in the UK wants to produce food under cover:

Manifest Destiny.

Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater - the largest private military in the world - talking about how the US should directly colonize countries that “can’t govern themselves”, including “the whole of Africa”


“Lysenko believed the Soviet Union could grow crops using proletariat will as a fertiliser. UK technocrats believe they can feed a country sustainably whilst reducing food production and drastically increasing the population via mass immigration.”

Polish farmers have had enough now:



Gift that keeps on giving.
Lagarde the criminal lackey:

A hotter climate and nature loss are changing our lives. We must understand what this means for the economy to fulfil our mandate. With our climate and nature plan, we are intensifying our efforts to help underpin stability and support the green transition

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Putting this here as the shit show is all linked through wars, pharma, climate scam. etc:


Interesting list from a great researcher - Thinking Slow:

This is a short summary of some of the key conclusions I made from the last couple of years of research, Twitter does not like this list!


There appears to be an issue with groundwater pollution in Oregon, and Governor Kotek, America’s first lesbian governor has been at the forefront of it.

She’s a militant type and has a certain approach to Oregon water management:

“The governor’s office is looking for someone who is not only versed in state water laws, but also the impacts of a changing climate…

[Side note: Found an example of a recent wastewater fine issued to someone, with Governor Kopek’s name at the top.]

Oregon and the WEF have some close ties and past history, so it could well be that this programme is part of it:

“100 Million Farmers is a platform supporting private and public leaders to position food and farmers as central pillars on the global climate and nature agenda, and accelerate collective action to scale climate-and nature-friendly agricultural practices.”

100 Million Farmers has bold objectives for accelerating the transition towards food and water systems that are net-zero, nature-positive, and that increase farmer resilience. All three objectives are critical to achieve a successful transition."

And this is probably completely unrelated:

  • June 06, 2023 - June 09, 2023
  • Pre-Conference Workshop June 6 | Hyatt Regency Portland, Portland, OR, USA

This conference is jointly hosted by the Water Environment Federation and International Water Association, in cooperation with the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association, the IWA USA National Committee, and the IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Specialist Group.

Kotek is the perfect person to enact the WEF farming agenda in Oregon. There is definitely an issue with pollution in groundwater in Oregon. Under that cover, bringing in all sorts of “emergency groundwater measures” sounds like a solution.

It’s directly from the first chapter of Tyranny For Dummies, Western Leaders Edition.

And of no surprise, Kopek isn’t averse to receiving loads of dosh from Big Pharma and has done for years and years, right up to when she became Governor:

“Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, maker of coronavirus vaccines, made 25 late-game donations totaling $28,000 to Oregon candidates in the last month of the campaign for Oregon governor and legislative races. Two of those late contributions went to Democrat Tina Kotek”

But, not to worry: “She’s also stood up against Big Pharma…She’ll continue to push for transparency by stopping Big Money special interests from buying Oregon elections.” lolz

You go, girl!

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Oxford’s misery is about to begin. The 15-minute city plan of Agenda 21/30 is still going ahead and the poor people of that fair city will need permission to use their cars!

Tax the rain?

Will probably be taken down by the corporate fascists that control YouTube as it goes against their plans and agenda:

Oh dear. Isn’t that a shame:

Can’t they let them eat grass like they are supposed to?
Either way, cow farts will bring end times - total bullshit:

A farmer examines the lie:


My goodness, and let Nature take its course? Can’t be done, old chap. If there’s anything that can be interfered with, it’s our duty to interfere. The Holy Writ demands it.


Many were waiting for this moment.

To help promote the bugs as a food source, Lee said his office will hold classes at Chiayi’s Chukou Nature Center on April 27 and May 11.

Attendees will learn not only how to identify and remove lychee stink bugs, but also how to cook them – and several other common insects – using a handful of easy recipes.


It appears Nature may have a solution for human problems.


Here I thought that beef cattle were fattened on grain and stuffed with antibiotics to prevent them sickening from overcrowding, while dairy cattle received the same treatment but in more tightly crowded conditions, both by farmers, mostly factory farms. I didn’t realise they were happily grazing lush green meadows, as the Daily Telegraph shows, while Farmer Jones was preparing a nice feed of mash for them.
There’s a reason why farmers and agribusinesses try to get laws passed to prevent people taking pictures of the conditions farm animals are raised in.

I have no idea what you’re arguing for here. Are you claiming that because Big Ag mistreats animals, it’s entirely reasonable to mistreat them even more in order to solve some completely made-up problem?

A few people in my neck of the woods raise beeves. They’re out on pasture for most of the time, and enclosed during winter. Pastured animals are the norm in the UK, because it’s cheaper, simpler, and involves rather less regulatory hassle. CAFOs and corn-fed cattle are mostly an American innovation; the practice does exist in Europe, but it’s relatively uncommon. Cows kept in sheds in the UK are generally dairy cows - and no, I don’t think this is a smart idea.

What riles me about the whole climate change/eat-ze-bugs schtick is that it’s just same old, same old. More technology. More waste. More cruelty. More regulations, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, interventions, machines … on and on and on. And you can always rely on Communists to support that sort of thing, and denigrate anything that might actually be environmentally benign or genuinely sustainable.

All we can really do is wait for the whole miserable project to disappear up its own asshole, and maybe sanity will eventually prevail. These things do tend to go in cycles.