The Great Run On Toilet Paper 2018 & 2020 & 2021 & 2022!?

Actually my main concern is the disappearance of vegetables from the nearby PXMart tonight! But I don’t often shop there at dinner time, and it’s a small branch, so maybe that’s not unusual. (Toilet paper supply was fine.)

Supposedly Costco zhonghe today, cannot confirm;



It’s busy though.

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I don’t get that - how much does it cost in Costco?

I just buy 72 packs (of the same 五月花 brand) at a time on Shopee for ca. NT$750 with free home delivery. Is it significantly cheaper than that?

On the contrary, I am making fun of the panic, which we all should do, as there are more than enough masks. Here in the neighborhood the old ladies also cleaned the pharmacies, where there used to be mountains of masks, now empty spaces… suspicious as hell. There is no shortage unless we buyers make it.

And on the internet, people already selling masks for 10 times their value… alcohol for 4 times…sigh… It’s on the news, BTW, they are asking people NOT to hoard or pay extortion prices.

For all here, no need to hoard/pay over the top. If you go to PX Mart, there are boxes of 50 units each for 180 NTD. Don’t pay more. And the warehouses are full…

Yet people keep lining up to get toilet paper…

I asked my neighbor who sells veggies if sales were brisk. Nope, people are not that dumb, vegetables will get bad, so they only buy tp, masks, cleaning stuff, she said. Cabbage though keeps well, so people bought that a lot today, she said.


I read things like this and I wonder how much of a failure I am at home storage solutions. I have no idea where I could put 72 packs of toilet paper, at least not without having it also become home decor. And while I am quite happy about some of the ways I have become increasingly Taiwanese over the years, there are some steps I will not take.


Toilet paper: Check. Pao mian: Check. Masks: Check.

I have maintained a constant oversupply of such things (along with rubbing alcohol, pasta, beans, sauces, etc.) since last year, anticipating the inevitable.


3 months toilet paper. If woman, feminine products too.

Mask supply for 6 months or more.

Pao mien. Rice. Oil. Tea.

Alcohol and other cleaning supplies.

Canned goods like tuna, chicken, beans, veggies. Crackers and cookies and chocolate.

Water purifier.

This will help you survive lockdown, quakes, typhoons -if they ever come back-, and the zombie apocalypse.


Ya know, back in the day it was considered normal intelligent behaviour to keep stocked well for energencies. also cheaper buying in bulk, thats smart not dumb. i fail to see why stocking large enough amounts of supplies is bad. especially in typhoon alley and earthquake row and and smack dab in the middle of chinas oppression busllseye. Hoarding isnt great cause people that are lazy dont prepare and everyone runs to the store last minute and causes a shortage. taiwan should always stock at least a months worth of food that is non perishable. just as abasic common sense thing to do…the worlds paranoia is getting to them…be smart, prepare welll. absolutely buy more supplies, but not just because of the CCP Virus…

Edit. My post is in respones to the ccp virus thread and hoarding. Got derailed and moved again, damnit :frowning: Anyway this post is meant to talk about common sense preparing for emergencies, whatever they may be. Stocking toilet paper, long term food and water, first aid supplies etc is basic common sense, no one is going all discovery channel prepper style and buying metric tonnes of fuel and blowing.up the neighbours.

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A 24 pack with 120 sheets/pack is like 300 ish. It’s not on the Costco website right now (hoarding fears?) but it came out to be about 900 with shipping for three. I’ve started keeping tabs on how many are in a pack, because Kleenex used to have 100/pack and after the great TP scare of 2018(? 2019?), they have significantly less in a pack. They used to print how many were in a pack and now they don’t. I found myself going through TP much faster after the TP price scare.

I just like that the Kirkland TP is softer and much more absorbent than every other brand I’ve tried here. Much nicer when stuck with a runny nose or even while eating oilier than wanted food. That’s why I say good CP value. TBH, for the quantity you get, it might even be cheaper than the cheap brands…



From the link @Icon provided in another thread

That’s all well and good until a chap runs out of gin.

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I was a Ximen Carrefour tonight. Damn, was the place packed! Thousands in the pao mian aisle. Seriously, people? Pao mian? Is that how you nutritionally navigate a potential disaster?
Some twat in front of me at the check-out had two trolleys of toilet paper. Jesus, dude, you can wipe your ass in the shower. You can’t eat fucking toilet paper!
Oh, and the cashier, as usual, gave my change to the wife. Why do they always give MY change to my wife?


I’m still on the pack of 12 rolls I bought in February…2020.

Well…uhhh…You can…kinda.

Same reason they don’t sit next to you on the MRT. :joy:


You buy rolls?

You’re remarkably frugal. A paragon of why most people should refrain from rimming people they just met in a bar.

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Yeah, the normal western kind. The correct kind and the hill I’m willing to die on.


Naw guy. Shower immediately after. Save the planet.


Plus you can play pirate with the cardboard insert.

I actually have a roll on the right and a bag on the tank. Pleases everyone.