The Harvey Weinstein Scandal

I play a fair amount of poker and it’s interesting watching players try to justify their plays after the event. Very rarely does anyone say “Oh, I really shouldn’t have made that play.”

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Humans are animals, too. We’re not that different, if at all.

But are they sincere?

Never reveal your weakness to a rival or enemy. Never hide your weakness from yourself.

Yea…I’m going to say no to that for me. Given history as it relates to me being an AA. :wink::joy:

5 posts were split to a new topic: Harvard professor sues over Epstein story

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Well why didn’t you say at first. LOL

Yea…no. Culture shifts can happen in a vacuum. Just ask Psy

No, that’s a different phenomenon. (No offense to Psy, but how many westerners can name a single song of his other than GS?)

Come back to this in 2037 and ask yourself if MT really didn’t change anything. :2cents:

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Why wait so long. Let’s check back after the verdict. :wink:

I would say it’s already changed things, but we’ll understand it better in the future (assuming the planet doesn’t blow up in the meantime).

Award stage and red carpet promises/protests and hashtag outrage isn’t a change, imo.

And only part of the planet will blow up by then. :wink:

New York jury finds ex-producer Harvey Weinstein guilty of rape

What a pathetic slug, pretending he can’t walk to try and gain the jury’s sympathy. Can’t bully his way out of this one…

Maybe in prison some bigger, badder bully will do to him what he used to do to up-and-coming starlets.

I just found out that Weinstein is guilty.

Bad news for Donna Rotunno’s career. She usually gets them off.

“He may be an excellent lawyer, but if he goes at that woman with the same venom that I do, he looks like a bully. If I do it, nobody even bats an eyelash. And it’s been very effective.”

Probably scores points for even taking the case. If you’re going to lose a case, Weinstein’s isn’t a bad one to lose.

She takes all the cases.

Weinstein isn’t your average scumbag?

All the high-profile cases that pay the most.

So he was boning all those Hollywood actresses without any problem, yet when he had to face charges he became a cripple and started to suffer from all sorts of health conditions?
Moderately fishy…

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