The Hatred of President Bush by the Lib/Left

man, 80, arrested in war protest

Bush, apparently, is very popular with mall security.

A pretty vivid example of how far this sickness, BDS, has spread.
8 year olds don’t do this of their own accord.

[quote]Grade schooler threatens to kill George W. Bush
posted at 1:25 pm on April 20, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

And he’s not kidding, either. In a video hosted at World Star Hip-Hop, what looks like an eight-year-old issues a profanity-laced detailed threat to assassinate President Bush. It’s more than a little disturbing, not so much because it amounts to a real threat, but because it shows just how poisonous Bush-hatred has become. After all, an eight-year-old doesn’t come up with this kind of lunacy all on his own. This is an apple that fell from a psychotic tree.

I’ll skip posting the video. I suspect that we’ll see this face on the evening news, once the Secret Service has a chance to take a look into this. It’s definitely NSFW if you decide to check it out for yourself. (via Fausta)[/quote]

Here is a direct link to the video.

Pretty sick little guy…so much bitterness at 8 years old.
I’d like to see a comment from his Father and Mother on this.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]man, 80, arrested in war protest

Bush, apparently, is very popular with mall security.[/quote]

Whatever happened to freedom of speech in America? A distant memory.

[quote=“Chris”][quote=“Dr. McCoy”]man, 80, arrested in war protest

Bush, apparently, is very popular with mall security.[/quote]

Whatever happened to freedom of speech in America? A distant memory.[/quote]

Here’s a little legal background:

[quote]State laws allow malls to exclude protesters
March 31, 2008

New York’s laws about free speech in malls are rooted in a 1985 case in which the state’s highest court ruled that an anti-nuclear group did not have the right to hand out leaflets at Smith Haven Mall.[/quote]

The full article is here.

This Wikipedia article can give a little more legal background.

A few years back, somebody on Forumosa mentioned a similar incident (the post is [url=U.S Domestic Policies for the next 4 years - #14 by mofangongren but I don’t know if it was discussed at length.

And there’s a Forumosa thread [url=Land of the free indeed on an incident in which two people were removed from an American Airlines flight because one of them was wearing a T-shirt which displayed a picture of a bare-breasted woman.

I don’t have any strong opinions about this particular issue one way or the other; I just like to cut and paste stuff.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”] [quote]Grade schooler threatens to kill George W. Bush
posted at 1:25 pm on April 20, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

And he’s not kidding, either. In a video hosted at World Star Hip-Hop, what looks like an eight-year-old issues a profanity-laced detailed threat to assassinate President Bush. It’s more than a little disturbing, not so much because it amounts to a real threat, but because it shows just how poisonous Bush-hatred has become. After all, an eight-year-old doesn’t come up with this kind of lunacy all on his own. This is an apple that fell from a psychotic tree. [/quote][/quote]

“The apple that falls not far from the tree” is a metaphor used to symbolize inhereted charactistics. “Poisonous Bush-hatred” is a social phenomenon. Doesn’t quite add up does it?

Anyway, the people who wrote this crap didn’t think anybody would actually think it that far through, so they just used the “psychotic tree” reference to imply that Bush-haters are to blame for an eight year olds murderous impulses. Pretty far fetched. Pretty psychotic really.

Petition to be voted on by the Bush-hating Methodists.

[quote]SMU Bush Presidential Library Rejection (80089-MH-NonDis)

I hereby petition the UMC General Conference to prevent leasing, selling, or otherwise participating in or supporting the presidential library for George W. Bush at Southern Methodist University.


We should support separation of church and state and if the Bush library goes on the SMU campus or property it will appear to the country and the world as an endorsement of that president by the United Methodist Church. Texas is a big state; surely there are other venues.[/quote]
It’s going to be a library of public relations.

It’s the ‘not in my backyard’ thing. Let the Pentacostals have it.

Methodists are too boring anyway…zzzzz…zzzzz…zzzzz

Laura badmouths Burma.
They sent Laura out there because Bush wanted to say, “You’re doing a heck of job, Burma Shave.”
Listen to her talk and substitute ‘US’ or ‘New Orleans’ whenever she says ‘Burma’. Most of the time it is right on.
Typical Bush tactics to use a tragedy as an excuse to increase criticism and issue threats. A competent administration could have used this opportunity for diplomacy. Instead it’s just the same old sabre rattling that is meant for the neocon butthead supporters at home and has absolutely no effect on world affairs.

Thank heaven they had the good sense to send Laura Bush to scold the Burmese government for failing to meet the basic needs of its people in the wake of a major natural disaster. We would have been the laughing stock of the world if anybody else in the Bush administration had been sent to do the job.

We’re just lucky that cyclone didn’t hit the U.S. because I don’t think even Laura Bush could have saved us from Katrina, the Sequel.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]Oliver Stone is going to do Bush.

That’s more than I can say. I’m not sure that Oliver Stone has ever made a movie that I liked, but this one should be interesting anyway.[/quote]
This movie is going to rock!
See First Look: ‘W,’ Oliver Stone’s Bush Biopic.

Coming out just before the election. Haven’t cast Dick yet.

Cannes '08: Michael Moore plots sequel to ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’

This one should be really good. The only thing better would be to force Bush to watch it from his cell on death row.

Michael Moore in a cell on death row?

Taxpayers will have to feed that fat slob…terrible terrible.

I can see it now, MacBush, with Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice playing the three witches.

Gee, could it be because he’s a lying sack of shit that craps on the people who actually have to pay for his fuck-ups?

[quote]Brandon Friedman of VetVoice is decidedly unimpressed with the Commander Guy’s wartime sacrifice:

Bush Finally Speaks to the Ultimate Wartime Sacrifice

With the ghosts of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower looking down, President Bush finally admitted today that he has been touched by the true cost of war:

    For the first time, Bush revealed a personal way in which he has tried to acknowledge the sacrifice of soldiers and their families: He has given up golf.

    “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”

In unity and spirit with Americans who will never see a child or a parent again on account of his policies, George W. Bush made the heart-wrenching decision to take a five-year hiatus from the game. He chose to make this sacrifice several months after the invasion of Iraq. 

Indeed. You can see why Jonah Goldberg was so taken with the Commander Decider all those many moons ago. In fact, I’d posit that Bush is the nation’s first-ever Doughy Pantload President. Because even though the Loadpants-in-Chief “sacrificed” playing golf, he still managed to set the all-time presidential record for vacations back in 2005. How long before some intrepid young whistle blower leaks pictures of the Prez gorging himself in Cheetos, I wonder?

UPDATE: It turns out Bush lied about giving up golf after the August bombing of the UN building:

The US president traced his decision to the August 19, 2003 bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad, which killed the world body’s top official in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello.

“I remember when de Mello, who was at the UN, got killed in Baghdad as a result of these murderers taking this good man’s life. And I was playing golf — I think I was in central Texas — and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, it’s just not worth it anymore to do,” said Bush.

Bush’s last round of golf as president dates back to October 13, 2003, according to meticulous records kept by CBS news.[/quote]


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive.” - GW Bush,

Your pants are on fire, Mr. President liar.
Bush’s Idea of Sacrifice

Someone gave him the wrong intelligence and interpreted the dates wrongly.
So he was, as usual, just mistaken.

The pus putrid stench of oozing jealousy runs rampant on this thread…well done laddies!

Let take this one to 15,000 by 20 Jan 2009!

Dunno why anyone would be jealous of Bush (being an idiot, liar etc.), but YMMV of course.

Are we there yet?

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]The pus putrid stench of oozing jealousy runs rampant on this thread…well done laddies!

Let take this one to 15,000 by 20 Jan 2009![/quote]

George Clooney I’m jealous of.

George Bush, not so much.