The Hollow Earth

From the same people who love to vilify science (ie evolution, global warming), I’d like to present you all with the latest nefarious plot by evil scientists in league with George Soros, in order to establish a New World Order based on #OccupyWallStreet and gay marriage. As you might have learned if you went to an evil public school (as opposed to religiously enlightened home schooling), so-called scientists have long claimed that the earth is composed of a relatively thin crust floating on what is more-or-less bubbling hot lava with a molten iron core at its center. But that is ALL WRONG.

As it turns out, the earth is hollow. One reason we know this is that there is a large, hard to hide opening at the North Pole. However, thanks to the science-conspiracy, the global climate sensing satellite known as AMSR did not fail last October due to its age (9 years, it was only designed for 6 years operation). Rather, it was intentionally shut down to “hide the truth.” You see, that big white sheet of plastic over the North Pole that hid the entrance to the Hollow Earth got blown away by the wind. So “they” had to shut down the satellite, or else we would have seen the entrance on the satellite photos.

Anyway, without further ado, I present you with The Truth. The Hollow Earth: … re=related

Please watch the entire video. Watch it and weep.

And if that’s not enough, I’ve also learned that the whole techtonic plate theory is an atheist science conspiracy too. I see George Soro’s fingerprints all over this. The reason for “continental drift” is not because of techtonic plates, but rather that the earth is expanding. Just look at the proof:

Wasn’t that theory, like, supported by the Nazis or something? Who resurrected this, again?

I think it was the Internet. Just Google on “hollow earth” and “expanding earth” - you’ll be amazed.

Respected creation scientist Bill O’Reilly (of Fox News fame) has really exposed those so-called “scientists” for what they are. You see, science has NO EXPLANATION for why the tides roll in and out. Nor can they explain where the moon comes from:

Anyway, guess it doesn’t matter, since the world ends at the next winter solstice, exactly 11:11 AM, 21 December, 2012. Not many shopping days left. If you haven’t seen that career-ending movie starring John Cusack, 2012, you need to.


[quote=“Dog’s_Breakfast”]From the same people who love to vilify science (ie evolution, global warming), I’d like to present you all with … The Hollow Earth:

I googled it as suggested and found the hollow earth nuts support the global warming theory so maybe their hollow earth theory is worth considering too. :ponder:

Lack of originality. Straight out of The Morning of the Magicians.