The "Ignore" Function

A post was merged into an existing topic: I can’t post a new topic

I am trying to ignore a user with a hidden profile, seem to be impossible, is there a way?

To answer my own question, you cannot do it directly from the hidden user profile, but you can do it from your own settings.

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If I block a user, does that also mean they are blocked from seeing my posts?

I miss those quaint old times when simply muting IP could solve the problem. :slightly_frowning_face:


No. But it would be funny if everyone ignored everyone else.


I don’t think so, it is “ignored”, not “blocked”. What you put in this forum is public (except for temp).

IP tends to spread.

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There seems to be a lot of that going around.


Maybe we need a Covid forum.

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Actually you can block tags, so same difference. I might do it if I didn’t have to read it. Who needs to hear about all that crap? :slight_smile:

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Why would one ignore or block posters? I never got that. Don’t you want to know what shit they’re saying about you? Just going to pretend it doesn’t exist?

I don’t ignore posters, but I can empathise with people who do. Some posters wind me up and I retaliate. I don’t feel good when I do that.

This is all getting a tad safespacey, lol.

Yeah, that’s the main reason for me. If I find myself getting in a lather and going xkcd with “Someone is wrong on the internet!”, that’s usually a sign I should stop typing; put the fellow on ignore for a week or two and forget whatever I’m unduly annoyed about; and move on to something else. I come to this place to learn or amuse myself, not to get angry.

Well, yes. Exactly. Good way to make myself less stressed out. My god, if I really thought about how many of my online students right now are actually paying attention versus just goofing off in another computer window?! I’d be utterly miserable. Far better to pretend it’s not happening and just think about the kids whose attention I have managed to keep.


Check this:

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So it’s not for you, but you understand why people use the feature, or it’s not for you and you don’t understand why other people use ignore?